Press release:
To celebrate a fuh-CAN RAD year of production at their one-year-old North Carolina brewery, Oskar Blues will throw a second wild and wonderful New Year’s Eve Hootenanny.
Americana country rock band The Hackensaw Boys, known for their rowdy, highly energetic live shows, will headline the night. Opener, bluegrassy Packway Handle Band, will serve up their dark and passionate folk aesthetic.
The party will again be held at Oskar Blues Brewery at 342 Mountain Industrial Dr., starting at 7 p.m. and going until the last beer drops and it’s 2014! Tickets are $25 per person and are for sale here: Eventbrite.
Because of the expansion of the brewery into the warehouse (adding five new 200 bbl fermentation tanks in November for a total of 27 tanks), this year’s Hootenanny will take place on the patio (walled in for the event). Thus, fewer tickets will be sold this year than were for the sold out 2012 Grand Opening, so get your tickets SOON.
Food trucks, special brews, and other goodies will be on hand.
Tickets must be purchased, printed out and brought to the event that night with ID. Kids 16 to 21 years old are OK with a ticket AND a responsible adult.
Proceeds from the night will benefit Oskar Blues CAN’d AID Foundation, a non-profit started in September to help victims of the ColoRADo floods. CAN’d AID is expanding its support to a variety of organizations and folks in need in our home communities and beyond.
Oskar Blues Brewery experienced 40 percent growth in 2013, thanks in part to the East Coast expansion. In October, the brewery hit the 100,000 barrel mark for the year, with 40,000 of those barrels brewed in North Carolina and distributed to 16 East Coast states. More than 9.2 million CANs have gone out the door of the NC brewery in 10 months of distribution.
“Will” is the winner of the tix. congrats! thanks to all who left a comment!
Yez please I would like this!
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
sign us up. we don’t get an xmas bc of work and i’d make a great DD!
I’m in!
Would be great to be there for this party! Have some friends coming from out of town and want to show them an Ashevillian good time.
I’m in!
it would be grand to be in transylvania this new year’s eve
make my year and let me win
Pick me!!
We’d travel for this!
Love the Old Chub!
Love the 10 fitty!!!
Woo! Went to the first one last year and had a blast!
Skibity bee bop Amurica we love you! Cheers to NEw YearS Beers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ashvegas is……
whoop whoop! this will be one helluva hootenanny!
This girl wants and needs to be at this party! Right before starting another semester of pharmacy school I need to get all of my fun out of me!
Sounds like a helluva party!!!!¡
Ohhh, me! me! me!
I hear last year’s event was fantastic. I’d love to check it out!
Want!! We wanted to go to this, but weren’t sure if we should afford it, so winning tickets would be fuh-CAN amazin’!
Was a blast last year. Let’s do it again!
Hootenanny! Perfect way to ring in the New Year!!!
I want to go!!
Hell yeah, bring on the Dale’s NYE!!!
Sign me up!
Oskar Blues New Years Party! Yes, please!!
Ohhhhh yeahhhhhhh! 😉
“Utah, gimme two!”
Utah, gimme two!
This would be awesome! Sign me up!!!
Could be a fun alternative to the same old thing on NYE!
If I am picked to go, I will drink a lot of beer.
I’ll be going either way! thanks for the great year. Love your beers….
Kick up your heels and honkey down!!
Let’s kick up our heels and honkey down!
Find Oskar Blues’ Christmas Chub, it’s an amazing beer!
Happy New Year! Peace on earth!
I want to go!
I want to go so bad, and raise and old chub to the New Year!
Woop Woop!
HECK YEAH! Party on 🙂
Pick me pick me!
Sounds like a fun time! Pick me!
bring it
YeeHaw, Oskar Blues for New Years!