Ashvegas and Oskar Blues Brewery are giving away TWO VIP tickets to the Red Bull Dreamline BMX Dirt Jumping Competition at the Oskar Blues REEB Ranch on Saturday, Oct. 11.
The 2014 Red Bull Dreamline BMX competition will take place at Oskar Blues REEB Ranch on October 11 in Henderson County, North Carolina, just down the road from Asheville and the Oskar Blues Brewery in Brevard. The most talented riders in the world will push their limits on jumps designed by pro rider Anthony Napolitan and brought to life by master builder Adam Aloise. The best thirty-two BMX dirt jumpers from all over the world will be competing at the largest Dreamline BMX course ever built, including pro Zak Earley, Oskar Blues REEB rider, who will compete on his custom-built REEB BMX bike.
All tickets for this event, which is open to the public on Saturday, October 11, were snagged within 24 hours of being released. However, Ashvegas and Oskar Blues Brewery are teaming up to give TWO VIP tickets away to a lucky bike & beer lover.
Note there will be no parking at the venue for spectators. Shuttles will be running round-trip from Oskar Blues Brewery at 342 Mountain Industrial Drive in Brevard starting at 10:30 a.m. and ending at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 11. You must show a copy of your Dreamline Eventbrite ticket or VIP badge to get on the shuttle.
Once at the Oskar Blue REEB Ranch, there will be a VIP area featuring locally-brewed Oskar Blues beer—the hop-forward Dale’s Pale Ale and the crisply refreshing Mama’s Little Yella Pils. Grub from the newly-moved to NC Oskar Blues Bonewagon, served up by OB Head Chef Jason Rogers, will also be available.
If you don’t win, you can still have a blast at Oskar Blues Brewery all weekend. There will be a killer line-up of live bands at the Official Dreamline After Parties at Oskar Blues Brewery both Friday and Saturday nights, including Packway Handle Band on October 10, and Too Slim and the Tail Draggers and Jarekus Singleton on October 11.
Also, Red Bull Dreamline will air on Saturday, November 8, at 5 p.m. EST on NBC.
To win, leave a comment in the comments section of this post. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, October 7 at 5 p.m. You must be 21 or older to win and able to attend this event. VIP passes are not transferable.
I have two boys 7 & 8 that are obsessed with BMX. I’m a single mom and restaurateur so finding time and money to take them to kool things like this is a bit challenging. They would be 2 very happy boys if we got to go!!!! Please choose us!!!!
This event SUCKED! I don’t see how in the world they can edit this to make it any less interesting. Total waste of time. The only thing good there was Oskar Blues. Totally disappointed in Red Bull. What a freaking 2nd rate event.
Dirt, bikes, beer and Fall…what more can you ask for?
Dreaming of Dreamline!
totes mcgoats!
Make it happen!
Please hook it up! BMX, red bull, alcohol… What more can you ask for?!?
Dang! You got shocks, pegs… lucky! You ever take it off any sweet jumps?
Dude.. You got like three feet of air that time.
Pick me AshVegas I love BMX, Red Bull, and a good brew… I’m the perfect fit for those VIP passes.
From NY heading to NC this weekend, hook a botha up with some tickets to watch dudes go off at dreamline!!
My friend and I are traveling down from Buffalo, NY and we’re SOL as we weren’t aware how quickly the tickets would sell out. This is sort of my last ditch effort at getting a pair. In return, we’ll be sure to get hammered and be the life of the after party!
Ooooh, pick me. I wanna go see the Bike Farm! We need more free range, non-HMO cycling gardens!
Big Air !!! Hit me Ashvegas!!
Shredders gonna shred. Gnarz gonna be gnar. Derp’s gonna be waxin’ beers, cuz riding home isn’t too far.
This looks like a great course! I hope to be watching it in person!
Waited months for tix and missed them! Hook me up 🙂
Kick it! I’m ready to go.
I want to go, pretty please!
This is the perfect event and location to usher in the Fall. Brevard is beautiful this time of year, and to mix it up with some BMX acrobatics is just awesome. Really looking forward to this!
Woooo! Throw tix this way, it’d would be amazing!
It sure is sweet out there at the REEB Ranch and Bike Farm. VIP me, please sir!
I’m only 2 hours away from the event! I NEED TO GO
I swills Mama’s Little Yella Pils as I ride through the Hills to increase the THRILLS!!!
When it’s time for the grub I sit down with the OLD CHUB and make it go glub glub glub!!!!
Need a Hook
I love dirt
I ❤️ Ashvegas!!!
I swills Mama’s Little Yella Pils as I ride through the Hills to increase the THRILLS!!!
When it’s time for the grub I sit down with the OLD CHUB and make go glub glub glub!!!!
Need a Hook
want tickets
could dig a weekend in Brevard
Oskar Blues beer and mountain bikes, who wouldn’t want to go?! I’m in!
Good timing, was just starting to beg the twittersphere for any extra tickets! Would love to be there!
Great to see Oskar Blues in WNC and great to see their awesome facilities they have built!
This would be an absolutely amazing experience. Hoping for the best!
So I live in Brevard and am totally stoked about the upcoming REEB RANCH BMX EXPO! ID LOVE, LOVE LOVE to be able to get some VIP tix! This is a once in a lifetime event, that this pinup chick, single mom of 2 toddlers by day and pinup model by well day and night, lol!Needless to say I have to have a wicked neck surgery in 3 weeks, so this is going to be thr last kickass event i Will be able to attend and have a blast at! I really appreciate your time & consideration, this would mean a lot to me and my kids, who love BMX, and seeing even their 31 year old mom still ride a BMX bike is the coolest thing to them.
Lady Liz
Fingers crossed
SWEET! wanna go! Thanks
Make a dream come true
I’d love to and bikes..doesn’t get any better!
I want to go!!
this would be really great to go to!!
I’ve never had the opportunity to go to an event quite like this one. Would love to go!
Gotta get those tix.
Giddy UP!!
Would love to go!
Would love this
BEERREEB, what better combo!!! Hope to see you there.
I wanna go!
Thanks for the opportunity to win tickets. It will be awesome out there!!
This would be so cool!
I would like to see a rider throw down a ten FIDY off the jumps.
I’d be excited to participate in the event. Bicycles & beer are near & dear to my heart.
BMX & Oskar Blues… Yes and yes!
Got my grim reaper ready for the show!!! VIP would be SPLENDID!!!
I want to win.would be sweet.
Sweet. I’d give them to my brother-in-law and nephew, who were so sad they didn’t get tickets.
I’d like to go
I’ll be the winner
BMX tickets – great hook to snag my posting. Way to go Jason!
BMX bandits have a lot of fun riding out in the sun…i’m also a lager lout.
Skyway Mags & Matt Hoffman.
Yes plz!
Anniversary plus BMX AND BEER. Cheers
This is going to be awesome !
I hope to see you all at the THE high-flyingest, heart-poundingest, BMX challenge ever! Thanks Oskar Blues Brewery!
This looks great, hope I win.
Hooray for everything, I hope I win!
I’m ready!!
Kewl! Would love to go to this. Sign me up!
go ahead, make my day
Would love to go to the event , reeb ranch is litterally right across the road from my parents place on crab creek Rd , glad to see they finally done something with the former shoals farm property.
Yes! Yes!
Giving it a college try!
I’d love to take my kid!
Yez please…
OskarBlues + Bikes = Good Times in NC!!
VIP Me Please!
Gavin wants to go BAD…as in BADASS!
I am all in…
Pick me!
I would Love to win. I really like bikes and LOVE BEER!!
I want a piece of that action!
If I win I will ride my huffy there all the way from Asheville
Yes please!
Yeah, I want to go!
I’ll take them
How cool would this be! Pick me! Pick me!!