What’s happening with old storefront on Haywood Road?


Loyal reader Reba notices some action on Haywood Road in West Asheville. Anybody got a clue as to what might be going on?

Do you know of the store on Haywood (in W-AVL) that has been closed and untouched for many years…I think it is called “Meadows Dry Goods” (right off the 26 exit onto Haywood)?  There is a sign in the above apartment that reads “guitar lessons”.  Anyhow, I have always been curious about that place and just today I noticed some activity there.  Three people were inside moving stuff around.  The doors were open and the sun-faded Keds & 80’s style shirts in the window were gone.  Oh my. 



outsourced February 26, 2009 - 1:10 pm

I noticed in the past few days Meadows Dry Goods has been emptied of it’s inventory. i would love to have had the opportunity to buy what might have been thrown out. i used to buy overalls and carpenter pants from Mrs. Meadows. Some lingerie and funny, cute dresses too. Mrs Meadows hasn’t opened in years, but I bet hers is a great story. The last time I talked to her she was back in the store after 2 years of recovering from a broken back/neck(?) She was over 90 then, and this was years ago.

badthing January 30, 2009 - 3:19 am

I believe a pipe burst and the place was flooded. There were cleaning everything out. My wife said it looked like they just threw a lot of the stuff away! That would have presented some decent dumpster diving practice.

i420 January 30, 2009 - 1:44 am

I believe there was a flood in the Medow’s Dry Good side of the building. I drive by there every day and noticed moisture on the glass one night. Water streaming out it the next night. It is sad to see that place ruined. Seems just like yesterday you could see Mrs. Medows in there selling shoes and thread. Damn I am getting old.
There is some work going on in the other side where the old Deloris and Jose’s used to be. I don’t know what is going in there but I am sure something will. At least until I-26 comes crashing through there.

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