What happened to the ‘Manifest Obama’ video


I blogged here about the disappearance of the pro-Obama video made here in Asheville. Here’s the email making the rounds, explaining what happened. I think it’s weak that the video makers pulled down the video. If you can’t take the heat…

We took it down because it was no longer serving its intended purpose of watering the seeds of peace and positive focus amongst supporters.

We were at 23,000 views around dinnertime last night, and things had been going well – lots of very nice, very positive feedback from supporters. But then we started noticing a huge spike in traffic (an additional 20,000 views by this morning) and experienced an overwhelming number of very troubled & troubling comments, both on the video and on outside blogs. When we learned this morning that Glenn Beck had mentioned the project in a negative light on his show, we realized that we were catalyzing & provoking exactly the opposite of what we wanted. So we pulled the plug swiftly.

Though it was perhaps a disappointing ending, we feel the project served its purpose. Everything is impermanent! 🙂 We were so happy and grateful for your comments and other comments from similar supporters. We will all continue to stay positive and proactive, continue to focus on bringing peace & prosperity to everyone in this nation & the world. We will continue to recognize and transform the suffering we see around us, even & especially in those who disagree with us. We will continue to work towards the day when Obama, an exceptional and inspiring leader, takes the oath of office. Thank you for all your support!!

Many blessings,

James & Lauren


bobaloo October 24, 2008 - 3:10 pm

It’s still up at LiveLeak. Once somethings out there it’s nigh impossible to completely remove it.


Ash October 24, 2008 - 2:48 am

Pixie, good point..

MR, respect.

Michelle Raiford October 24, 2008 - 1:07 am

As someone who knows Lauren and saw her excitement about the website, I have to defend the choice to "pull the plug." The whole idea behind the website generated from a positive place. There is enough negativity in the media, and I think they were right to preserve the site’s original vision.

If it is not already there, I would like to have seen a message on the site so that people I referred there could know what happened. Respectfully,


Pixiedyke October 23, 2008 - 11:29 pm

Well, they DID get out of the kitchen.

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