‘This American Life’ features Asheville doctor


NPR’s This American Life has a big segment on an Asheville doctor facing some unusual circumstances. From thisamericanlife.org:

Dr. Benjamin Gilmer (left) gets a job at a rural clinic. He finds out he’s replaced someone — also named Dr. Gilmer (picture) — who went to prison after killing his own father. But the more Benjamin’s patients talk about the other Dr. Gilmer, the more confused he becomes. Everyone loved the old Dr. Gilmer. So Benjamin starts digging around, trying to understand how a good man can seemingly turn bad.

A little more background on the fugitive doctor Gilmer. The 2004 conviction blurb here.

Thanks to loyal reader Chad for pointing me to this.



julie April 17, 2013 - 6:34 am

Sorry, I might have assumed you were speaking poorly of the doctor spearheading the investigation.

julie April 17, 2013 - 6:31 am

I don’t understand why you would say that. It turned out that the convicted doctor tested Greenfield positive for Huntington’s disease which is a neurological degenerative disease. I hope you are extended compassion and care if ever placed in a situation where the easiest answer is not the truth.

Emmaleigh April 16, 2013 - 7:04 pm

I knew Vince. I hope everyone listens to the WHOLE story on “This American Life”; it doesn’t seem like the previous commentator did. Everyone has their right to their own opinion, but those of us who knew Vince have always had a feeling something just didn’t seem quite right. It is so tragic in so many ways, so hard to know how to feel. It is so hard to swallow all the details, I guess. If anything, I thank “This American Life”, and Cane Creek’s newest Dr. Gilmer, for delivering this closure to my relationship with Vince. I didn’t know I needed it. I did.

Ashley April 16, 2013 - 10:39 am

A friend of mine had been trying to set me up with her wonderful Doctor friend for several months. Luckily I never said yes because this was the Doctor she was speaking of.

Ngoc May 3, 2013 - 3:12 am

Did you actually listen to the entire podcast?

Ted August 25, 2014 - 11:40 am

I’m assuming she did not. Because if she had she would have realized this compelling and thoughtful American story had nothing to do with her. Luckily, she is able to keep her self centric outlook intact.

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