The Magnetic Theatre in Asheville seeks one-act plays, actors, directors


Here’s the press release:

The Magnetic Theatre Seeks
One-Act Plays, Actors, and Directors

Press contact: Lucia Del Vecchio / / (828) 230-9769

As part of its ongoing playwright-development program, The Magnetic Theatre seeks original one-act plays from writers in the greater Asheville area. Between 4 and 6 plays previously unproduced professionally will be presented at Magnetic 375, in the River Arts District, in next June’s Brief Encounters 2016, the fourth edition of the evening-length series. Selected playwrights will be paid a share of royalties, which this year amounted to more than $100 each. The deadline for submissions is February 7.

We are looking for scripts 10-20 minutes in length, and all genres, styles, and tones are eligible for consideration in this eclectic event. Cast size should not exceed 6 actors, and smaller is better due to the complex rehearsal schedule. Production requirements (set, costumes, props, lighting effects) should be minimal.

Plays should be submitted for consideration, in appropriate playscript format, electronically (as a PDF or Final Draft file) to Managing and Associate Artistic Director Lucia Del Vecchio, at, no later than February 7. Selections will be announced in March.

Additionally, open-call auditions for the production will be held in March. Interested parties should “friend” The Magnetic Theatre on Facebook and Twitter, or check the company’s website, for the announcement of audition dates.

Those interested in directing a one-act in Brief Encounters 2016 should contact Artistic Director Steven Samuels, at, at their earliest convenience.

1 Comment

RobotDanceMonkey1975 December 10, 2015 - 12:55 am

how to actor?

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