The hunt for red October


I’m getting a little tired of the hunt for red October. Or yellow, or orange, or maroon, or whatever color’s your fall favorite. Can’t we just let nature take her course?

Every night on the local teevee news, Diva Darcel and the Bluntman blabber on about how green the scenery remains. And every time, whatever local reporter they assign the story says, well, Jim and Jane from Florida made reservations last year just to see the fall color, and they sure where hoping to see spectacular color. But they’re still glad to be on vacation. But they sure wish the fall color would show up. But they like the crunchy leaves and the cooler temperatures than down in Florida. But it sure would be nice if the leaves changed.


Look – the beauty is already here. It surrounds us. Asking the Blue Ridge Mountains to offer up more beauty is like asking Halle Berry to get a facelift. Can’t we just appreciate what we’ve got?

If you want a great source of information for the fall progression, go to the Blue Ridge Blog. It’s where I borrowed this photo.

And chill, because I don’t want the winter chill here any sooner than we hafta.


Sweet Tea October 14, 2005 - 12:48 pm

The leaves usually do change with just a blink of the eye. Blink too fast and you miss it. Though, I do remember fall leaves turning spectacular colors some years and other years just turning brown and falling off. It has been a while since I’ve seen the spectacular show of color. Do you remember the drought several years back? That was a particularly depressing fall. Everything seemed to be dried to a crisp and dead before fall even arrived. I’m rambling….You’re right though – appreciate what is given and be thankful for the mountains, trees, animals, good friends and pumpkin pie. To expect is to feebly predict nature, which is impossible.

Ash October 14, 2005 - 2:29 am

Hey Brooke! Love what you got going on over at the Babbling Brooke – thanks for saying hi. I’ll drop in and say hello.

Brooke October 14, 2005 - 2:22 am

So I’m snooping around on Technorati to see who has links to me, and I find your link thanking me for the Flash Fiction meme from back in August! I had seen that someone from Asheville had visited my blog a few times – nice to know who it was! I love your site, I can’t wait to read more. Please stop by again and comment. Nice to “meet” you! 🙂

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