Ted’s Excellent Adventure: Volcano!


Who knew there were active volcanoes in Mexico?

Ted, freshly back from his excellent adventure, says “this little number is a couple of hours south of Lake Chapala,” where he visited for the month of May. It’s in the same Mexican state, Jolisco. He said he talked about going down to check it out, but didn’t make it.

Probably a good move on his part.

If you didn’t see his note from my earlier post, here’s what he had to say:

I want to say thanks for the mention in your blog. It means a lot to me on many levels. For those who haven’t made the connection this is my Son’s blog.

The trip to Mexico was Excellent! I did buy a condo and I’ll keep you posted on how that progresses and there is a lot more to tell you about Mexico.

I also want to thank you for the Guide book; Mexico (Lonely Planet). The pesos came in very handy also. The Mexican Spanish, The Rough Guide, dictionary phrasebook, is getting dog-eared and worn. I used all of the above. I still have the books but the pesos are gone.
Love, Dad