Hello, Asheville! Here’s another Food Feed for you! The words and pictures below were originally posted to social media, mostly Facebook, but also Instagram. I hope that you will enjoy them, and that you will be able to get some, if not all of the delicious food items listed here!
The Food Feed is in reverse chronological order. Scroll down through the past…
Originally posted to Stu Helm: Food Fan Facebook page on 10/04/2021
Holy moly, y’all! I took a little trip out to Ziggy’s Bakery & Deli with my friend Micah, and the food was unbelievably delicious! I got a Philly with cheese whiz, and a meatball sub, and I devoured half of each in about ten minutes flat. I brought the other halves home to ear tomorrow, along with 1/2 a dozen bagels. I got to meet the owner, Robyn, and she was super nice! This could be my new #1 cheesesteak in Asheville, and that meatball sub was pure heaven. 5 stars out of 5. The highest of recommends.
Originally posted to Stu Helm: Food Fan Facebook page on 10/09/2021
? MY ? EPIC ? DELIVERY? JOURNEY ???? Y’all, do not miss out on Session Cafe at Citizen Vinyl. They have awesome sandwiches, including this excellent chicken salad! I also got deviled eggs and a salad. Everything was very fresh, tasty, and delivered in time by my good friends at Kickbackavl! Four stars, two thumbs up, and toe wiggle. Recommend.
You can see more words and pictures, and follow My Epic Delivery Journey on my own blog, Stu Helm: Food Fan.
Originally posted to Stu Helm: Food Fan Facebook page on 10/08/2021
? MY ? EPIC ? DELIVERY ? JOURNEY ???? I ordered a very LARGE and satisfying portion of Chicken Dum Biryani from Biryani Express Avl via Kickbackavl a couple days ago and I’m still eating it! ???
You can see more words and pictures, and follow My Epic Delivery Journey on my own blog, Stu Helm: Food Fan.
Originally posted to Stu Helm: Food Fan Facebook page on 10/08/2021
Y’all… super high recommends for the black bean fritters at the brand new Water Street Asheville restaurant on a Lexington Ave, where AUX Bar was (R.I.P.). Great flavors, great service, great atmosphere on the patio. I even like music coming out of the speakers. All good! I’m so glad I popped in today!
Originally posted to Stu Helm: Food Fan Facebook page on 10/08/2021
The new Rowan Coffee cafe on Broadway might be the cutest coffee shop downtown.
Originally posted to Stu Helm: Food Fan Facebook page on 10/06/2021
Y’all… I had such a delicious meal at Sovereign Remedies the other day! A large Amoro salad, some charred carrots, mashed taters, and a very tasty mocktail! I loved every bite! Those taters were something special. Well, TBH, the whole meal was special! Including the relaxed, charming atmosphere, and excellent service. High recommends! ❤️
Originally posted to my personal Facebook page on 10/13/2021
Whoa. I guess I was on Dinner Impossible last night! LOL The episode about the food truck rally at Rabbit Rabbit finally aired. I actually never thought that the footage they shot of me would make the final cut, but I did judge some desserts that day, and if I remember correctly Bun Intended won the desserts, and Root Down food truck won the savory competition. Thanks, Carey Harnash for inviting me, Patrick Riels for hangin gout with me all day, and Lala Essex Holloran for getting this screen shot! It was a fun day, even though it was something like, 1,000° hot out.
You can listen to my response to Bill on my Morning Show podcast HERE.
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Stu Helm is a writer, blogger, and social media personality living and working in Asheville,NC.
Please follow him on Facebook and Instagram,
If you would like to “tip” Stu for his efforts, please Venmo him at Stu-Helm
or PayPal at stuhelmavl@gmail.com