Rumor control: Are some Asheville Transit bus stops being removed?


An Ashvegas reader says that some bus stops around Asheville may be removed. Does anyone have more info? I haven’t heard this. Another reader says he’s seen bus stops with yellow caution tape on them. 


TJ December 9, 2010 - 12:56 am

So does this mean the No. 1 priority: Sunday service will be starting soon ?

Ash December 8, 2010 - 2:13 pm

Thanks Gordon!

Gordon Smith December 8, 2010 - 2:00 pm

Yes, Jason.

One of the Transit Master Plan goals is to improve On-Time Performance. To that end, redundant stops are being minimized. Here on Haywood Road there were six or seven bus stops in a half-mile, three of them were stone-throwing distance from one another near my house. The number is now reduced to three stops. There were signs put up a few weeks ago at bus stops to be discontinued.

We've had a few complaints about the move, but throughout the Master Planning process, people made it clear that On-Time Performance was a major priority second only to Sunday Service.

Early next year we'll be implementing increased frequency on 4 out of 5 of our major corridors, and the new routes ought to be running more dependably than ever.

Lastly, making On-Time Performance easier is a central element of driver safety.

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