Ridgecrest Marriage Events sponsorship of Earth Fare Turkey Trot creates controversy


Controversy is sparking over Ridgecrest Marriage Events sponsorship of this year’s Earth Fare Turkey Trot 5k, a popular local run during the Thanksgiving holiday. The sponsorship is raising eyebrows because Ridgecrest invites Exodus International to its Black Mountain campus to host conferences for “ex” gays. The Ridgecrest sponsorship seems to run at odds with the progressive image of the healthy foods Asheville-based grocery store chain.

Jus’ Running, the popular locally owned running shoe store, has already dropped its sponsorship the questionable sponsor of the race. There’s a Boycott the Turkey Trot group on Facebook.

More to come…


hauntedheadnc July 18, 2011 - 12:40 pm

I rather doubt you've experienced discrimination, Dweller. It's probably just your personality.

For instance, you trumpet how you're willing to stand up and address problems… and yet it's not okay (according to you) for others to do the same, such as when people got upset when they learned who one of the sponsors of this run was going to be. When you do it, you're being bold! When they do it, they're part of the hive mind. Why is it okay for you, but not for them?

I can certainly see how that would drive people away from you.

And if I mistakenly called you a bigot, I apologize, but that's the only conclusion I can reach when you can be counted on to take the opposite side of any argument in which the city's liberal or progressive crowd is engaged.

Gays are upset? They should quit whining, you say. Shut up and take it, you say.

What other conclusion can I reach?

Boogs56 — you show me someone who "chose" to be gay, and I'll show you a lifelong closet case who finally decided to be true to themselves.

Boogs56 July 16, 2011 - 4:58 am

100% of gays don't fall into the "born gay" category. So this group has some people in it who have made decisions to change from gay to heterosexual lifestyle. So, in the spirit of loving everybody and being open-minded, everyone decides to pull out and boycott and throw a big stink and stay as far away from this group as possible and hopes to shame them out of existence. Harmonious, loving, and progressive indeed.

Asheville Dweller July 15, 2011 - 8:29 pm

Nice try Haunted,

You know nothing of Discrimination, because I have been discriminated against my whole life not on the internet because no one knows my race. Nice try at trying to play the bigot card, too bad you failed yet again. And I never play the victim, i just point out Asheville imperfections and you dont like that because you are the one on a high horse not will to address a problem that you just hope goes away.

And for you to use this worthless argument about me just shows you are grasping at straws, I have never said I am Anti anything you just said, nice try to paint me as some bigot, which Im not. By any means, I dont have to prove it to you because you are just and upset child that someone in this world can think for themself and not joing the pat on the back club herein in Asheville.

I have said on many different times said positive things about Asheville and the surrounding area, Im not just humping Ashevilles leg like the lot of you do. I dont try to live in this pipe dream that Asheville is this great cultural place which its not, I see it for what it is im a realist about it.

I see a problem I address it, if you dont like it don't read what i say, or MAN up and help do something about it, instead take a seat and continue to do nothing about it.

hauntedheadnc July 15, 2011 - 2:49 pm

Dweller, I have an issue with bigotry.

Now you, I can dislike you personally all I want because every day, in every way, you have proven yourself excessively negative, snide, trite, and unlikeable — on every forum on which you post, including here, citydata, and the Mountain Xpress. You go out of your way to play the victim at every available opportunity, you would not say something nice about Asheville even if that was one of the demands made by the kidnappers, and you're on such a high horse looking down on all these poor, deluded fools who insist on enjoying life in Asheville that it's a wonder you don't get nosebleeds. Therefore, I don't like you and that's perfectly fine. Individuals dislike other individuals all the time and yet they manage to cooperate.

However, that's an entirely different kettle of fish from hating an entire group of people for something over which they have no control. Sexuality is not a preference. It's innate. Hating gays is every bit as despicable as hating Blacks or women. You earned your scorn. Gays and lesbians did not, and if they're tired of being discriminated against, that's their right. It's about time for some equality.

And yet you take offense to that, just as you take offense at most everything in, of, or about Asheville. Why is that?

(Nice try, btw.)

Asheville dweller July 14, 2011 - 10:02 pm


If I disagree with one aspect of something than I support it still, big shocker huh. I would suck it up and support it, be cause I am a man not a immature child.

And you have a lot room to talk about whining as your smug remarks you just made, trying to bait me.

Sounds you have a an issue with any one, who clearly thinks for themselves and not about what others think, you have lot growing up to do. Life isn't about you or finding as many people to agree with you.

Matt July 14, 2011 - 2:32 pm

So they already dropped the questionable sponsor? What's to boycott then? Seems to be resolved already. Seems they should be praised for dropping them.

hauntedheadnc July 14, 2011 - 2:07 pm

So what do you suggest, Dweller? Let's say I'm going to sponsor an event you desperately want to participate in. Problem is, I have made it a point to say, at every available opportunity, that I despise excessively negative whiners who would never, ever — not even on pain of death — say anything the slightest bit positive about Asheville. In fact, I've made it clear that my position is that with divine intervention, such excessively negative people (not to name any names here) could be cured, even to the point that other people could possibly stand to be around them. I've also made it clear that, by God, such excessively negative people had darn well better pray for healing because without it, they're going to rot in hell for all eternity.

In other words, I'm sponsoring the event and I hate you to your core. I hate the very thing that makes you "you."

So, in such a case, what would you do? Please do tell us.

LOKEL July 14, 2011 - 12:49 pm

The MountainX is reporting that the organizers of the trot have now dropped Ridgecrest from its' sponsors ….

craggybender July 14, 2011 - 2:37 am

Before this gets blown out of proportion, it seems it's been remedied. If Jus' Running ousted Ridgeccrest then all is good in the Turkey Trot world. JR probably wasn't looking into who was booking Ridgecrest when they were trying to get people off their butts to run this event every Turkey Day, they were looking for help in boosting an event. Now it's discovered that the groups don't mesh, we move on and keep on living. If I can get off my butt on Turkey Day, I will Trot with the Turkeys. And I'll buy my shoes at Jus Running. And I'll run with all of my gay friends, straight friends and ex-gay friends. And maybe some future-gay friends. And I'll buy my veggies at EarthFare.

Asheville Dweller July 13, 2011 - 8:49 pm

Progressive is a worthless word, its like saying "Im not racist but . . . . . " Insert Racist comment here . . . . . .

Progressive as a word is laughable at best.

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