Retro rewards: Orbit DVD hits jackpot by renting classic video games


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Here’s the great note from Orbit DVD. Check this out:

Orbit started RENTING classic video games and systems in June. Without any buzz or advertising (yet), it’s been a success.

Right now you can rent Atari 2600, Sega Genesis, Nintendo NES, Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64. Playstation 1 and SegaDreamcast are coming soon. Games are only $2 a week and systems $10 a week. We also rent newer games (XBOX 360,Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS) for $5 a week.

As far as I know, we are the only store in the country doing this, so it  is unique for Asheville. We also reached a milestone recently of over 20,000 different titles in the store. That, along with our rentals being $2, has made it a very busy summer.