Firelady September 8, 2009 - 9:46 am

Who are you people, and what have you done to Ashvegas? Freeper vitriol is nothing but incendiary ignorance. Sad to see it infesting this blog.

NeverBloggedBefore September 8, 2009 - 5:10 am

Doesn’t every parent want their child to do well in school? How can that message be considered anything but helpful? I don’t usually read blogs or polls, but I couldn’t believe the hysteria I was hearing on the news, and thought I would look around a little. The ignorance and the paranoia I see is frightening. It is shameful to use your children as an excuse to promote your own ideology. Let the children listen to what the President has to say, and allow them to develop the ability to use their own judgement. My statement would be unchanged regardless of who was President.

Chad September 8, 2009 - 4:00 am


The entire 20min speech that Obama will give is on there.

With the content, I see nothing wrong with ANY president doing a Start-of-School-Year speech to students. I actually want them to do it.

RE "taking time away from actual learning"…

I am in school right now at UNCA getting my teaching certification. One aspect of school education is to help students learn how to become better community citizens. For example, Social Studies. This speech of Obama is a GREAT springboard to focus on topics that a part of every school’s curriculum. Now, I’m focusing more on Elementary Ed, but this is definitely a part of all grade levels.

Sure, school is definitely for learning "Reading, Riting and Rithmatic", but there is also much more. How can students become better citizens? How can they learn what they will need to know for jobs that don’t even exist yet? How can they live and make a positive impact in our currently evolving society?

I think Obama’s speech is a great way for students to begin working on these questions. School is the best place for this.

Tracy September 8, 2009 - 3:30 am

@ John. Here’s a link to the transcript: http://www.whitehouse.gov/MediaResources/PreparedSchoolRemarks/

Bernie September 7, 2009 - 8:18 pm

the south shall rise again! The horror of a black man as President. the KKK told us this would happen. or was it George Wallace?

ignorance is such bliss, i can see why now.

OMG what is happening here September 7, 2009 - 6:45 pm

Geez, what is with you people. Not only has Ashvegas apparently been hijacked, I feel like I’ve been abducted by aliens. What in the hell is your problem. Maybe we should all go back to those idiots Mr. Bush and Mr. Chaney running the country. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

New Age Bitch September 7, 2009 - 6:38 pm

That’s right, "Stay in school" is a much worse message than, "Hey, some planes just hit some buildings and a bunch of people died, so whaddya say we all go out and buy stuff!"

We’ve already implanted chips in all the kid’s brains, causing them to embrace socialism when they turn 21, so what’s the big deal?"

blackie September 7, 2009 - 6:23 pm

The Freepers always freep any poll that lets them express their hatred for
president Obama.

This on and several others are on their message board with instructions to

John September 7, 2009 - 5:56 pm

What exactly does Obama want to say to the school children anyway? Can someone point me to a website or a news report (an objective one, please?)

And PLEASE quit crying communist and marxist and all those other names. We’re just witnessing an ideological pendulum swing after the last 8 years of Republicans in office. It’s no big deal. In 4 or 8 years we’ll have another president.

America has survived every president it’s ever had. Quit going crazy, quit saying crazy things, and quit spreading fear, lies and rumors.

I suggest letting the President’s speech be shown in public schools. Objecting parents can keep their kids home that day.

It’s seriously not a big deal. After the past 8 years we can deal with anything.

Tracy September 7, 2009 - 4:58 pm

Re: Mary’s comments about school supplies. Sharing school supplies is communist? Give me a break. That’s just plain ridiculous, and just about borders ignorant. Perhaps you should home school.

areality September 7, 2009 - 3:30 pm

you people are freaking me out. he’s our president…we voted for him…. give him a chance.

Asheville Dweller September 7, 2009 - 3:29 pm

Dissent is still patriotic, you still fail to back you your lame statement. This shout be AFTER hours during a prime time speech so the family can watch it together.

I do believe the president has good intentions at heart and its not a brainwashing session as some make it out to be. The only thing that i am concerned about is what of the children that parents had to drop out due to pregnancy. What if the kids questions their parents about it if they did infact drop out, this could easily be confused as "The president said drop outs are low lifes, so mommy or daddy is a low life". Its way too easy mx up his message especially when our teachers teaching the next generation have NO clue on what they are doing.

HelpfulHank September 7, 2009 - 3:01 pm

It comes down to a question of trust. Our President has demonstrated time and time again that he can not be trusted. With *anything*. Need some reminders?

We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan — He *promised* to get us out.
We still incarcerate terrorists at Gitmo — He *promised* to close it immediately.
We are still a bitterly divided country — He *promised* to promote bipartisanship and has only *increased* his partisan rhetoric.
He has staffed his administration with lobbyists — He *promised* not to use *any* lobbyists.
We are about to lose the public option with healthcare — Before now, he *always* stood for a public option and single payer.
His stimulus package only benefited the fat cats and their cronies, has any of those billions trickled down to *you*?? He could have written everyone a check and made a bigger dent tin the economy. As it is, it just vaporized into corporate coffers, never to be seen again…
I can go on, and on, and on…

I honestly can’t think of any promise he *has* kept.

He is *NOT* the Hope & Change we were promised. He is the very definition of "Bait & Switch". At least with the rethuglicans, you know exactly what you are getting. Obama has destroyed any faith and confidence I once had in the Democratic party. From now on, I will vote for the devil I know, rather than the devil I don’t know.

So I can not, in good conscience, trust this con-artist with advising, informing or otherwise communicating with my children.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on *me*!!

Ash September 7, 2009 - 1:56 pm

regarding the poll hijacking issue:

looks like my poll got linked over at http://www.freerepublic.com, a conservative web site. maybe someone at Daily Kos should link me to turn the tide?

Mike September 7, 2009 - 1:49 pm

Yes, dissent is patriotic, but this goes beyond dissent. And I think the liberals who objected, merely on political stance, to Reagan’s 1988 "capitalism is good" or George H.W.’s "no drugs in space" or George W.’s "all of you donate $1 to the Afghan kids" addresses to school kids were wrong, too. Just because "my side" has made a similar mistake in the past doesn’t excuse the current error.

Andrew September 7, 2009 - 1:41 pm
Ann R September 7, 2009 - 1:32 pm

What is wrong with the President of the United States addressing school children to encourage them to stay in school and study hard? How can this be perceived as political? Or maybe some people could care less about the children and only their narrow minded politcal agenda. Maybe that’s what it is.

Andrew September 7, 2009 - 1:30 pm

Wingnut reaction to Obama’s upcoming speech to kids with the radical idea to stay in school would be funny if it wasn’t so damn tragic. But I guess those of us on the even keel simply didn’t get the memo. We should all know by now that anytime the President even smiles at a child that it’s nothing more than a subliminal socialist message and that it can only be comprehended as such by the K-6 Weekly Reader demographic.

Sam H Wood September 7, 2009 - 1:27 pm

Of course the children should hear the President’s words of encouragement. Any thought otherwise is ridiculous. Take a look at yourselves folks?

Al M. September 7, 2009 - 1:24 pm

Why would any parent or school hate their children so much as to subject them to Communist propoganda? Obama has yet to make a speech that doesn’t promote his radical socialist agenda, so why allow him to poison the minds of our children?

Asheville Dweller September 7, 2009 - 1:16 pm

"Where were these wacko "the president should be censored" idiots’ complaints when Presidents Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush made their speeches to school children? "

What about Dems battle cry of "Dissent is patriotic"? And no Protesting Bush is not a requirement to speak about against ANY president.

"The poll has been hijacked. How else could you explain such a swing in yes and no votes from yesterday to today. Looks like the conservatives are at it again."

Hijacked or actually showing how people feel? Denial is a terrible thing.

Mike H September 7, 2009 - 1:10 pm

Dick Gephardt blasted Bush I for doing this. The Left has always used the ‘NAZI’ and other epithets as slurs to hide their own Marxist and Socialist agendas. I went to public schools and never did any president speak to us.

President Bush went to a school to inspire the kids, that is different from beaming the signal and interrupting the day.

The conservatives are at it again? perhaps, but maybe you finally are hearing what you don’t want to hear. Another side of the coin. That’s what the Left never gets: that there are many millions of opinions that differ greatly from theirs. When you devalue those opinions, you marginalize people, when you marginalize people you act superior and when you act on that superiority, those that don’t like being told what to do respond.

There is no RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY as there is no BLACK AMERICA or LATINO AMERICA. etc. There are millions of individuals that share needs and desires that those tend to create movements. The Left always misjudges its power because it is the product of a selfish generation, and most Americans have to produce something to survive. The Left just manages things. They produce nothing of any great value other than their own sense of worth.

Let this conservative response show you that you live in a fish bowl and you are the fist. The American people will not tolerate being told what to do.

Celo September 7, 2009 - 1:07 pm

I agree. Looks like someone hijacked your poll.

Yesterday evening it was over 100 yes and less that 15 no.

But who knows September 7, 2009 - 12:24 pm

The poll has been hijacked. How else could you explain such a swing in yes and no votes from yesterday to today. Looks like the conservatives are at it again.

Mike September 7, 2009 - 12:16 pm

Where were these wacko "the president should be censored" idiots’ complaints when Presidents Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush made their speeches to school children?

mary September 7, 2009 - 11:53 am

Obama has already proven he cannot be trusted with our children, our safety, our tax money, or even our morals.

Thank GOD one of his Communist friends got the axe regardless of what you say about Van Jones resigning.

Say, how many of our schools are practicing the Communist like activity of throwing all school supplies, personal & school owned, into a pile and allowing the children to come forward and pick their own supplies out of the pile? This is becoming a common occurrance at our schools and is nothing short of training our kids in Communism.

I urge any parent whose child’s school supplies they bring from home are confiscated and used in this manner to file a police report for theft of personal property.

Lynda September 7, 2009 - 11:38 am

Not just no, but HELL NO!

And Donna, would you say the same thing if it was President George W. Bush taking up and hour of precious school time, with accompanying instructional material?

It most certainly IS a partisan issue.

Peter September 7, 2009 - 11:13 am

I’m betting Donna didn’t feel that way with the last administration.

Regardless, if zero really led instead of being divisive and pursuing his marxist plans to destroy America, it wouldn’t be a partisan issue.

Since he’s continuing with his alinsky based destruction of America (trillion dollar deficits, unconstitutional government takeover of businesses, numerous unelected government officials, groveling to despots, dictators and communists and attempting to impose federal control over every citizen’s life with laws written by special interests and unread by the people or their representatives), he doesn’t deserve the respect normally given to POTUS.
HE’s made this a partisan issue and the partisans are either for or against America. For this reason, a very large number of people do not trust him and do not want him to influence their childrens’ impressionable minds.

Responsible thinking adults recognize his obvious duplicity.
Ideologues and useful idiots continue to support him.

Freeman September 7, 2009 - 10:50 am

Totally disagree.
The president is civil servant.
He is the temporary civilian executive of the Federal Government.
He is not meant to be a Cult of Personality or an Omnipresent Leader.
Save that for banana republics and dictatorships.

David September 7, 2009 - 10:44 am

REGARDLESS of who resides in the White House. The President of the United States should stay out of the way of teachers who should be teaching. If the occupant of our White House wants to begin each school year addressing our school children with encouragement and inspiration, he is welcome to do so on the evening news, when parents can decide whether their children should watch and without interfering with instructional time. THIS IS NOT A PARTISAN ISSUE.

Donna September 7, 2009 - 12:28 am

REGARDLESS of who resides in the White House. The President of the United States should begin each school year addressing our school children with encouragement and inspiration. THIS IS NOT A PARTISAN ISSUE.

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