On the streets of Ashvegas: Revolution mural


New mural in the works by Dustin Spagnola at Arcade Asheville.


ihateasheville September 9, 2011 - 8:51 am

Spagnola is a piece of garbage, once again he takes a radical piece of history and turns it into just another gimmick in ashevilles list of "weirdness". Free the asheville 11 fire to the prisons and dear lord lets hope somehow all the rich people leave asheville

local anarchist August 6, 2011 - 11:29 pm

its funny that a local hot spot would openly quote America's most well known anarchist Emma Goldman. Goldman once conspired to assassinate a coal magnate in solidarity with striking miners, this seems so much more extreme then breaking a few windows… free the asheville 11
long live anarchy

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