On the streets of Ashvegas: Immigration protest


Protest was last Friday. This group wants local law enforcement officers to stop participating the enforcing federal immigration laws.


Green Card August 2, 2009 - 6:30 pm

Why should the laws of the land go unenforced by the people we pay for enforcement?

Everyone who has come to the USA illegally has made a choice. The citizen’s of this nation deserve to see this invasion dealth with on a daily basis.

pseudonymous in nc May 14, 2009 - 6:51 am

<i>I would like for them to stop enforcing the speeding laws, personally.</i>

I’m guessing that you drive at a strict 20 downtown.

<i>Why should the laws of the land go unenforced by the people we pay for enforcement?</i>

Well, in part because local deputies don’t understand them. (The BCIS doesn’t understand them half the time, because they’re a mess.) In the meantime, I’m sure you all carry your birth certificate or passport with you, right?

JJ May 6, 2009 - 11:34 am

Why should the laws of the land go unenforced by the people we pay for enforcement?

Everyone who has come to the USA illegally has made a choice. The citizen’s of this nation deserve to see this invasion dealth with on a daily basis.

BB May 5, 2009 - 8:06 pm

I would like for them to stop enforcing the speeding laws, personally.

plastic paddy May 5, 2009 - 5:33 pm

I’m sorry, they want the local authorities to stop enforcing federal immigration laws?

Hmm… I guess they do.

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