On the streets of Ashvegas: Busker with iron moved


Street musicians used to love to play in front of the big iron. It’s just not the same now, after the big crash last weekend. This is the first busker I’ve seen on the corner.

When is the city of Asheville, or the Urban Trail people, or whomever, going to put the big iron back in its rightful place?


Michael Sheldon March 21, 2009 - 6:30 pm

Hey! That’s my Guitar! I let that guy "borrow" my guitar for a show at my bar over a year ago and never saw him again! I hope enjoys playing it . . . .

PBnJ March 5, 2009 - 10:51 pm

I say make the drunk guy that hit it to figure out how to move it back to its rightful place.

Lesley March 5, 2009 - 10:12 pm

My favorite part of this tableau is the caution tape. What exactly is it there for? To keep people from tripping on the base? To remind folks who normally walk down Wall Street without looking where they are going that the big iron has moved (don’t run into it!)?
How heavy is it? Can we just grease the sidewalk and move it ourselves?

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