New gym on Haywood Road in West Asheville


Business activity on Haywood continues. As a reader pointed out, the arrival of CrossFit Asheville to Haywood will help balance out West Asheville’s glut of killer restaurants (especially, maybe, our TEN Mexican eateries).

Now there’s another new gym on Haywood, 520 Athletics.

From a reader comment:

There is a brand new gym located in West Asheville. 520 Athletics located @ 520 Haywood Road. Trainers are both former collegiate athletes & hold CrossFit Certifications along with other well respected Certifications.

According to Facebook, the new gym’s hours are Mon.-Sat,  8 a.m.-7 p.m.

520 Athletics on Facebook


FDR January 18, 2013 - 8:19 am

Anything to get people off their couch is great.

Sam Etheridge January 17, 2013 - 5:54 pm

520 Athletics is a fun and challenging environment to work out. The trainers have given me a lot of personalized attention you rarely get from other gyms. The workouts are creative and focus on my individual needs instead of just the same old routines. They have also been very flexible with my changing schedule. Great addition to West Asheville.

Yvonne January 17, 2013 - 5:44 pm

Love working out with Kevin and Adam. The work outs are creative, challenging and make you feel strong. I love the new place. Compared to other gyms, the prices for individual attention is very affordable.

Drew Jones January 17, 2013 - 5:15 pm

Yeah, 520 Athletics is a great gym in a cool spot. I’ve been going there and have been loving it. Kevin and Adam are smart and inspiring.

Coach Kevin January 17, 2013 - 5:02 pm

520 Athletics is filling a niche in the Asheville fitness scene. For those of you who have been exposed to CrossFit, but want more of an individualized program at the same price point, then this is the gym for you. Prefer to follow your own programming, no problem, they have all of the quipment you need for CrossFit, Olympic Lifting, Powerlifting, Strongman, etc etc. Bottom line, if you are serious about fitness, 520 Athletics is the new place to train and at a starting rate of $35 a month you can kiss your old ”workout of the day” goodbye.

FDR January 16, 2013 - 1:42 pm

What the? Competition is always good for business, but the fitness pool is getting crowded.

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