Need to know more about marketing opportunities for farmers in 2011? Attend this conference


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ASAP is holding their 8th annual Marketing Opportunities for Farmers (MOFF) conference Saturday, February 26, 2011 on the campus of Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, NC. Each year, farmers, buyers, and agricultural experts from around the region convene at MOFF to share concepts and knowledge during a variety of workshops. They leave with the business and marketing tools needed to make a lasting impact on the landscape of the Southern Appalachians.

This year’s workshop topics include structuring labor on the farm, managing a CSA, selling to local restaurants, farmers market regulations, agritourism, business and marketing planning, beginning and advanced Quickbooks for farms, and much more.

ASAP invites experienced and beginning farmers, those seriously interested in farming, food buyers, and high school FFA students to attend the day of networking and training. Potential buyers of locally grown goods are also invited to attend or to network during lunch at no charge.

Early bird registration, before February 1, is $30 or $45 per two farm partners. The cost is $35 or $50 per two farm partners beginning February 1. Price includes a light breakfast, local lunch, and resource notebook. Scholarships for FFA students and those with financial need are available.

For more information or to register, go here or call (828) 236-1282.