Meme: What I need


Once again, I stole this meme from Babbling Brooke, who stole it from someone she can’t remember. But it’s fun. So here’s what you do:

Go to Google. Then type in “(your name) needs” – don’t forget to use the quotes. Go through the results and find five things you need and would like to share.

Ash needs more contacts. All the hoopla with Oprah and Lederman helped but Ash is getting old…

Mr. Ash needs to confront the obvious: he missed the movement he undertook to write about.

Ash needs a straight faced evil to fight, or the character might not work.

Ash needs to learn to grow up and seek forgiveness for the mistakes he made in his youth.

Ash needs some serious therapy. Boobies. Ash: [busy daydreaming about physical therapy with lots of boobies]…


syntax October 17, 2005 - 2:24 pm

1. syntax needs semantic justification
2. syntax needs much more formal treatment
3. syntax needs to be altered accordingly
4. syntax needs some getting used to but is is worth it
5. syntax needs tying down


Sweet Tea October 16, 2005 - 10:15 pm

A bit late on this post, but what the heck! Here goes mine…

Like eroticism, sweet tea needs both system and excess.
(Wow – reads just like a fortune cookie)

sweet tea needs to be discarded after 24 hours…

There’s plenty of hot sweet tea needs making for half-time.

Sweet Tea Needs More Sugar
(You heard it, Uptown.)

Sweet tea needs some other doggie to play with…
(Ouch again.)

Sweet tea needs to be available everywhere…
(Available how? Oh, the blog you mean? I’m working on it.)

Not what I expected for sweet tea!

Brooke October 14, 2005 - 9:29 pm

I love it!!!

Edgy Mama October 14, 2005 - 8:23 pm

By the way, there are no results for either “Edgy Mama needs” or “Anne Fitten needs.” Too unique, I suppose.

Edgy Mama October 14, 2005 - 4:06 pm

Hmmmm. This is what I got for you:
Ash needs help from everyone, even the usually dastardly Team Rocket, to save the day.
Stressed ash needs arborist’s care.
Ash needs to be buried.
Ash needs regular water until it is established, then is quite drought tolerant.

Dad October 14, 2005 - 2:42 pm

Here’s my five. Actually it’s six because six went so well with five.

Dad Needs help

Dad needs help with his computer

Dad needs some Help for 9 Year Old

Dad needs tickets

Dad needs to eat better

Dad needs to Downsize!

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