Let the beer flow! Oskar Blues in Brevard to open Dec. 12


The Asheville Beer Guy aka Tony Kiss of the Asheville Citizen-Times reports that the new Oskar Blues brewery and tasting room is set to open Dec. 12 in Brevard. Oskar Blues, the maker of great beers including Dale’s Pale Ale, is one of the trio of big craft beer makers to announce this year that they were planning to build new breweries in Western North Carolina. And it looks like Oskar Blues will be first out of the gate in getting brew out to the thirsty masses.

Here’s a little more info on Oskar Blues from an August story by the Hendersonville Times-News and their beer guy, Gary Glancy:

In just a few months, however, it will be time to crank out Dale’s Pale Ale, Old Chub, Mama’s Little Yella Pils and other canned products that are already available in WNC.

The company is expected to sign a lease next week on a building at 342 Mountain Industrial Drive, just off Old Hendersonville Highway, that will serve as the brewing production facility. Melis said Oskar Blues plans to brew about 40,000 barrels — or 1.2 million gallons — of beer in 2013 at the Brevard plant.

At just more than 30,000 square feet, the brewery will be similar in size to the one in Longmont, where Oskar Blues expects to produce about 90,000 barrels this year and more than 100,000 barrels in 2013. Melis said annual capacity at the Brevard facility could eventually reach up to 85,000 barrels with room for expansion.

Meanwhile, the company is actively searching for a nearby location for a restaurant and music venue.

Image link for Oskar Blues logo.

1 Comment

FDR October 4, 2012 - 12:50 pm

Gossip: Allegedly they found a great restaurant and music venue in Brevard. but the Real Estate investors smelled them coming and rolled out the “We raised the price mat”

Any truth to this?

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