The New Brevard Lumber Arts District Iron Pour:
Saturday, Sept. 29 from noon until 9 p.m.:
Come join us for an amazing day as the finest craftsmen in the Southeast demonstrate techniques in the fine art of casting metal. “Watch metal become art.”
A Fine art gallery show will accompany the events with a reception party in the evening following the iron pour. The gallery show will feature national, international, and regional artists: Larry Gray, Ann DerGara, George Peterson, Judith Duff, Kyle Lusk, Aaron Alderman, Samuel Owen, Jason Emory, Mark Connelley, Caroline Montague, Barron Brown, Hayden Wilson, Waylon Bigsby, Dan Bresnahan, Christine Kosiba, Shellie Lewis -Dambax, Drew Deane, David Day,and Christopher Strassner
11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sept. 29
The Madison County Arts Council is hosting this annual event, but it has a new name and date. It will be held on Marshall’s Blannahassett Island, which is home to a number of working artists. One cool aspect of this event is a performance by The Brothers Harrell and their Rural Academy Theatre. They will arrive in a horse-drawn wagon loaded with a bicycle-powered silent cinema.