Now You See Them, performing last Friday at Highland Brewing in honor of the brewery’s 15th anniversary.
Loyal reader Joe passed this along, with the link above:
hey ashvegas,
loyal reader and follower, thought i’d pass along a little video from last night’s fun at Highland Brewery.
i’ll try to get more up soon,
Thanks Joe!
1 Comment
I join everyone else in congratulating Oscar Wong & the tremendous success of Highland Brewing. But consider this. As Asheville becomes the micro-brew capital of the universe, Oscar and others that have served his ales for that 15 years are certainly beginning to suffer. Ask, for instance, the folks at Barley’s (where Highland once brewed). They and others are feeling the pain of popularity. Don’t get me wrong. I love the new players on the scene. Some tasty stuff out there. Let’s just not forget to patronize those who played a significant role in the rejuvenation of downtown way back when.