Gordon at Scrutiny Hooligans makes BBC story on Obama


Gordon over at Scrutiny Hooligns gave us a heads-up earlier in the week that he had been interviewed for a BBC story on Obama’s chances at taking North Carolina. I’ve watched the video, and Gordon articulately puts forth his stance that Obama has wide appeal.

Here’s the BBC video. Gordon and the Asheville section comes near the end.

Here’s the story. And a snippet:

he Democrats have not won North Carolina for the presidency since Jimmy Carter took the state in 1976 – and Mr Carter hailed from nearby Georgia so he had a big advantage.

But this year, for the first time in decades, the Democratic candidate – Barack Obama – is making a real pitch for this southern state.

Is it audacious hope or solid realism?

Since the 1960s, Democrats have largely abandoned the South, preferring to concentrate restricted campaign funds on swing states further north.

But what happens when the party nominates a candidate who has so much money he can afford to campaign in every state he chooses and who particularly appeals to one very important southern voting block – African Americans?

1 Comment

Take the Cake July 6, 2008 - 4:50 am

I think Gordon is a Stick Boy and he is so raw he needs to challenge the Masked Bencher!!!!

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