Hope all is well with you…. Just wanted to make sure you know about something great happening on earth day in town. Jeremy Siefert, a filmmaker recently relocated here from LA, took a couple of years to pull together this hauntingly beautiful film looking at the issue of genetically modified foods. It’s entertaining and thought provoking. I hope you can come join us. (It will be shown at Asheville Community Theatre; see poster above.)
I’m part of the panel discussion taking place after the screening, and I am so excited to initiate a conversation about how to move Asheville toward becoming a GMO free city.
The screening sure could use a higher profile…. It would be amazing if you could run a story about this! Let me know if you would like comp tix to the screening!
Thanks for everything you do to keep us all in the loop. Your site is really invaluable.
Rebecca Friedman, Proprietress
Farmer’s Daughter Catering
1 Comment
Wish I had a chance to be in Asheville for this – would love to see the film. Any idea when it will be coming to the Chicago area?