CORRECTION: Gaiman didn’t sign at Malaprop’s but FOR Malaprop’s, signing a few hundred books while waiting offstage in the green room of the Diana Wortham.
Neil Gaiman and a crew of fellow writers and storytellers stopped in town on Sunday as part of the Unchained Tour. Looks like the performance was amazing.
Here are a few select Tweets from Gaiman about his time spent in and around Asheville:
Amazing fantastic meal at Posana Cafe in Asheville. Then I signed about 500 books backstage for Malaprops. Soon I tell my story onstage.
I’m on in the second half. Now. And so very nervous. New story about @mgaiman and my dad. And me.
Apparently we are all going to die. Well, probably only those of us in this vehicle going up this cliff in the dark.
When Amanda and I got married Frye Boots gave us each a pair of beautiful boots. My right boot just met a sad end in a trailer incident.
Goodnight. I love you all. And Ian Dury’s album New Boots And Panties is a wonderful thing. Signed A Bootless Man in Marshall NC.