From ‘Flashdance’ to ‘Felicity:’ Just trying to keep up


There have been so many celebrity marriages and pregnancies and such, I’m just trying to keep up.

Renee and Kenny: Guess y’all saw that these two hooked up recently. I’m not much of a Zellweger fan, but Chesney kicks ass. I love his country/beach twang.

Britney: I know it’s old news, but she’s such a style-setter for young hos these days that you just can’t not mention her.

Jessica Beals: Following the trend of 40-somethings becoming moms, Jessica has announced she’s pregnant by her Canadian boyfriend-slash-entrepeneur. This could be a problem for Jessica, who stars on HBO’s The L-Word as a lesbian whose girlfriend is pregnant.

I have to admit that I was head over heels for “Flashdance” Jessica back in the day. Damn she was sexy the way she writhed and jiggled, the way she held that blow torch and the way she took her bra off underneath her sweatshirt. My school locker was plastered with her photos. I bought the soundrack.

Yes – I even flashdanced in my tighty-whities.

Jennifer Garner: Another hottie with a bun in the oven. Of course ol’ Ben couldn’t get J-Lo knocked up. Oooooohhhhhh, no. The mocha sistah wasn’t good enough for his high-falutin ass. He saved it up for miss Junior League.

I have to admit I was head over heels for “Felicity” Jennifer. She was all pent up back then. Hair in a bun. Thick, cat-eye glasses. Into classical music or some shit. She’s no fun now that she’s flaunting it all in short mini-skirts and weird wigs on Alias.

Charu: Yes, she is a star that deserves to be mentioned in this league. Charu is engaged. She’s got a ring the size of Mars. Her celebrity wedding will come on the heels of Scott and Candace’s. You go girl.