Farewell to the Mothlight Singing Sessions in West Asheville


This week marked the end of the Mothlight Singing Session, a community chorus of sorts that started up four years ago, led in part by Nate and Nancy Buchanan. The couple is moving away, and the curtain is falling on the singing sessions.

The group, sometimes meeting monthly, sometimes weekly, sometimes seasonally, drew an enthusiastic group of folks who came together to make joyful noise and, on occasion, a little magic. Anyone could should up. Anyone could sing.

“If you don’t personally know who we are, we have basically been a singing version of a bar trivia night,” loyal reader Ryan writes me.  “No experience or sign up, just show up. We set up chorus risers, pass out lyric sheets, practice a couple of times and then everyone sings along with a live band as if they were rock stars. It’s been a blast.”

In my mind, the singing sessions helped cement The Mothlight’s place in the West Asheville community. The venue was brand new, and it immediately began connecting with events like this.

On Tuesday, the group came together to sing “With a Little Help from my Friends,” “Revolution” and “All You Need is Love” by The Beatles.

The songs summed up what the event was about, the organizers say.

Asheville Summer Singers from Noble Robinette on Vimeo.