Everybody’s getting into the ‘Five Things’ act


Edgy Mama, who started this whole thing, offers up Five (more) Things. Check it out:

5 things I can do:
1. Fuck with your head
2. Write scary stories
3. Apologize for fucking with your head
4. Drink good beer
5. Apply band-aids with love

5 things I can’t do:
1. Sing in any other key than G
2. Drink bad beer
3. Wear a thong
4. Stop thinking about sex
5. Lie in the sun

5 things I see as attractive in the opposite sex:
1. Cute ass
2. Sharp wit
3. Masculine scent
4. Doesn’t let me get away with too much
5. Finds my kids adorable, even when they’re not

5 things I say the most:
1. Oh, yeah
2. God almighty
3. Brilliant
4. Yes, please
5. Could you say that again?

5 blogs that I love:
1. Ash Vegas
2. Faster than Kudzu
3. Scrutiny Hooligans
4. Old Horsetail Snake
5. Posted Note

5 things I plan to do before I die;
1. Fuck with your head
2. Eat lots of dark chocolate
3. Get a thousand hits in one day (on my blog)
4. Have sex on a train
5. Organize all my photographs