EAT OF THE WEEK: Sweet Potato Pie! (As Seen on TeeVee?)


How & Why I Talked with My Mouth Full of Pie, Possibly for TeeVee.

This week, I ate a lotta stuff that coulda been my Eat of the Week, but I only ate one thing on camera — for possible inclusion on an episode Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations — and that was an amazing piece of sweet potato pie, baked by Chef Ashley Capps and crew at Buxton Hall Barbecue on Asheville’s Downtown South Slope.

It was insanely good, believe me on that one, and since I got it FREE, because it was a prop for me to eat while being interviewed about Buxton, it was even more delicious! Ha ha! (I know that some of the readers imagine that I get an assload of food for free, but in reality, I don’t.) Before I go into detail about the pie and the video shoot, here’s a picture of the former. It kinda speaks for itself…

Holy shit-sticks, Yo. Take a long look at this picture and know that every single thing seen here was insanely tasty and delicious.

Okay, I’m not going to go into a ton of deets on this puppy, as I’m thinking that the photo is pretty self-explanatory, but here are some highlights, and observations:

  • Crust: On POINT. Holy moly, I don’t know nuthin’ ’bout nuthin’ when it comes to baking pies, but I gotta imagine that Chef Capps is doing something special to make her pie crusts have the flaky-yet-firm consistency and very slightly decadent richness that they have. Great pie crust is one of life’s true pleasures, and this crust is a among the best I’ve ever had.
  • Filling: I grew up in Massachusetts in the 1970’s and 80’s and we didn’t eat a lot of sweet potato pie up there, but we had other similar pies made out of squashes ‘n’ stuff, so this filling had a nostalgia factor even for me. If you grew-up in the South, I’m gonna say that it will hit every memory-nail on the head for you, and will be more comforting that a Snuggy made out of Tribbles.
  • Toppings: A sugary pecan / graham cracker crumble, on top of a healthy blob of not-too-sweet real whipped cream was crowned by a couple of wee little sweet potato chips, that added a slight hint of salt to the entire dessert. Also, while not technically on top, the caramel / pecan sauce oozing out from under the slice of pie was unreal. I would call it a “bottom,” but that’s whole different thing…. never mind. What? Shhh… hush.
  • Plate: The plate itself was cute as fuck, and the plating and presentation were gorgeous. This pie was ready for its close-up! Chef Capps and her kitchen make really attractive baked goods. True show-pieces. I give extra points for cuteness, we all know that.

So, here’s what happened: I went into MG Road on Wednesday to get two “frankies” to go, and I ran into PR and Promo guru Mikey Files who works for Chai Pani Group which includes MG and Buxton Hall and he told me to come into Buxton at 11:30 the next morning to be part of a video shoot for Andrew Zimmern’s “Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations,” which is a TV show on the Travel Channel. I don’t own a TV (it was literally killing me, so I killed it first) so I didn’t know about this show, but being a complete slut for the cameras, I showed-up promptly at 11:30, ate my lunch (pictured below) and patiently waited my turn to be filmed as an official “pie eater,” for the Buxton Hall episode of the show.

Lights! Camera! Pie, Motherfuckers!

It was a fun, happy moment for me, it’s always cool to be in front of a camera, even if my segment doesn’t make the final edit, PLUS as I’ve said many, many, several dozens, if not hundreds of times: I like pie. And that’s why this amazing, delicious, star-quality, soon-to-be-seen on TeeVee, pie is my li’l ol’ EAT OF THE WEEK.

For real: All kidding aside, Chef Ashley Capps and her pastry-making kitchen are cranking out some of the best desserts and take-home treats in town, and their Holiday pie game is already in full swing. if you like pie, like I like pie, then get to Buxton and get you some. And Happy Holiday Season!

Buxton’s famous fried chicken sandwich, and “under the hog” green beans for lunch, near the branches of the tannenbaum. I love this time of year.

Buxton Hall Barbecue
“Buxton Hall Barbecue is a Eastern-Carolina style barbecue restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina with its own house bakery.”
32 Banks Ave, Asheville, NC 28801
Friday 11:30AM–3PM, 5:30–10PM
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM, 5:30–10PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM, 5:30–10PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM, 5:30–10PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM, 5:30–10PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM, 5:30–10PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM, 5:30–10PM
Phone: (828) 232-7216


From left: Chef Jacob Sessoms of Table; Chef William Dissen, The Market Place; Chef Steven Goff, Standard Foods; Chef Katie Button, Curate; Chef Joe Scully, Chestnut and Corner Kitchen; Stu Helm; Chef John Fleer, Rhubarb; Chef Karen Donatelli, Donatelli Bakery; Chef Peter Pollay, Posana Cafe; and Chef Matt Dawes, Bull & Beggar./ Photo by STEWART O’SHIELDS for ASHVEGAS.COM

Stu Helm is an artist, writer, and podcaster living in Asheville, NC, and a frequent diner at local restaurants, cafes, food trucks, and the like. His tastes run from hot dogs and mac ‘n’ cheese, to haute cuisine, and his opinions are based on a lifetime of eating out. He began writing about food strictly to amuse his friends on Facebook.


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