Do’s and Don’ts of Brewgrass


Some knowledgeable Brewgrass tips from our friends at Beer City Guide, a website devoted to Asheville and WNC beer.

Brewgrass sold out months ago but happens this weekend, and if you really want a ticket, there’s always a few extras to be had.

  • Don’t: Think you can still buy tickets through traditional means. Brewgrass sold out almost immediately months ago.
  • Do: Try to go anyway if you really want to. As of this writing, many tickets were available on Craigslist. You will also have a good chance outside the gate from people trying to unload extras on the day of the festival (you’ll also probably get a better deal).
  • Don’t: Try to drink every beer. It seems like a reachable goal when they hand you that little glass, but you cannot. Trust us.
  • Do: Figure out how you’re going to get home. ‘Cause driving yourself isn’t an option.
  • Don’t: Drive yourself home. See above.
  • Do: Bring a chair. Seven hours is a long time to stand.
  • Don’t: Be afraid to try something new. You can drink a Highland Gaelic or Pisgah Pale any time you want. You’ve come this far in your craft beer journey to wuss out now.
  • Do: Be respectful of property outside the festival. Complaints about garbage and other types of vandalism in the neighborhood around the park were at an all-time high last year. People, it’s stuff like that that gives drinking a bad name. Grow up already.
  • Don’t: Be impatient. There will be lines. Use the time to make friends, not act like you’re at the mall on Dec. 23.
  • Do: Get a nice buzz.
  • Don’t: Lose control and make a fool of yourself.
  • Do: Have fun. Done right, this could be the best day of your year.

Read all the tips here.

Beer City Guide.

Beer City Guide on Facebook.


SuckItMcGee September 13, 2012 - 12:40 pm

Do: Wear a friggin shirt, no one wants to see your fat sweaty man-boobs, let alone be pushed up against them in line.

bob September 13, 2012 - 11:12 am

Also DO put on sunscreen. There’s little to no shade at the park, so it is imperative to protect yourself from getting a sunburn!

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