Crossfit Asheville will kick off paleo challenge on New Year’s Day


Crossfit Asheville plans to hold a great New Year’s Day event. While the event is geared toward current members, there is certainly room for newcomers interested in learning more about Crossfit and their “paleo challenge.”

I’ll let Shanna of Crossfit explain it all:

To kick off our 90 Day Paleo Challenge we will be hosting a work-out followed by a potluck brunch on New Year’s Day. This will be a time to bring your friends and families to observe some CrossFitters in action and hear some lectures on the benefits of choosing foods that were around during the Paleolithic era and have any questions/concerned answered.

Topics of discussion will include:

  • Food Choices and Stress Response by Coach Corey Duvall
  • Real World Application by Ethan Fesperman
  • The Reasons We Eat by Matt Baldwin
  • Volunteer Real-life experiences with Paleo

Despite perhaps being a bit tired and sluggish from New Year’s Eve festivities we want to get those wanting to work-out started around 9am to have the first work-out start at 9:20.  Depending on the number of those participating we will plan to have the next waves go at 9:45 and then 10:10 if needed.

Lectures and eating will begin at 10:30.  We hope to have everything wrapped up by noon.

The success of this event (especially the food) is dependent on each of YOU!   The point of the potluck is to share and experiment with various paleo recipes.  We will provide recipes for all the dishes provided.   This way if you taste something you enjoy you can take the recipe home with you.

Please email Shanna ( to RSVP for this event.  In the RSVP please include the following information:

1 Comment

judgeyall December 29, 2009 - 12:04 am

Three weeks of Paleo and I am a believer. My whole body is shaping up, I feel healthy and for the first time I am not waking up exhausted.

I just found a reciepe for egg nog…. wish I was going to the lecture to share and learn more but I will headed out of town. I hope they record it.

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