City of Asheville online survey: Give your input on noise ordinance


The public is invited to share input via an online survey for the upcoming revision of Asheville’s current noise ordinance.

There will also be a public meeting on Monday, August 27 to receive public opinion.

Link here: City seeks public input on noise ordinance revisions

Background information on the input process from the City of Asheville website:

The Public Safety Committee of Asheville City Council is considering revisions to the city’s noise ordinance. The City uses a “reasonableness standard” rather than decibels to identify violations of the noise ordinance.

Noise is any sound or combination of sounds which, because of its volume or quality, tends to disturb reasonable persons of normal sensitivity or to interfere with normal human activity. [Section 10-82 (c)]

A noise disturbance is any unreasonably loud and raucous sound or noise which

1. Endangers or injures the health or safety of humans or animals;
2. Endangers or injures personal or real property; or
3. Disturbs a reasonable person of normal sensitivity. [Section 10-82 (d)]

In determining if a noise would disturb a “reasonable person,” officers use factors defined in the noise ordinance as one tool. The following revisions are being considered and, if adopted, would be used as factors when officers evaluate whether a noise would be considered a disturbance:

1. Defining day as 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. and night as 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
2. Adding the following items to the list of activities that should not be engaged in so as to cause a noise disturbance: yelling, shouting, parties, sounding of a security alarm for more than 20 minutes after the owner or responsible party has been notified by law enforcement personnel

Background information link here.

1 Comment

Mark Barrington January 21, 2013 - 11:45 am

My neighbor has wind chimes and bells all over her property. I can hear them all winter through closed windows. When I am outside the clanging and banging is unbearable. We told her politely that the sound was disturbing and she curtly told us “she did” and that she was going to buy more….which she did. When the racket invades my space I consider it to be noise pollution and personally think that chimes should be banned in the city. The irony of this is that she is hard of hearing. Lucky her.

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