Bulldog has a suggestion


From the ‘Dawg:

If the WLOSers really want to stand out in the local TV market, why not go with three anchors?

They could have Darcel sitting with Tammy Scott Watsham, then all three could turn in unison to look at Simon Cuevas, sorta like synchronized swimmers. Or, if they really wanted to win the ratings war, my old friend Bubba says replace Simon Cuevas with Julie Weather, provided she wears one of those form-fitting bando-type tops she blocked half the screen with last week. Wunderful.

Bulldog might be on to something. But you never quite know where things are going with three. Could be lots of zany fun, like “Three’s Company.” There could be a laugh track during every bit of small talk, and Mr. Roper could give us the weather.

Or it could be a total cluster-eff, like having triplets. You know, always having to have their butts wiped by someone and getting bottle-fed all the time (come to think of it, that’s not far off from the way things are now.)

So I’m not sure ‘Dawg. Jury’s still out on that one.