Breaking: Thirsty Monk owner planning to open small brewery in Asheville aka Beer City USA


Barry Bialik, owner of the Thirsty Monk pint house and Belgian beer bar, announced on Facebook today that he’s planning to open up a new brewery in South Asheville. From Facebook:

Yes, the rumors are TRUE. The Thirsty Monk is going to brew. Plan to have nanobrewery Spring open @monkpub South. Prob. 6 beers. Brewer Norm Penn.

The Thirsty Monk is going to brew. Plan to open a nanobrewery late Spring at our South location. Norm Penn is going to be our Head Brewer.

Tony Kiss, the Asheville Citizen-Times’ beer writer known as the Beer Guy, also tweeted the news:

Thisty Monk opening small brewery at south location. That will be number 10 for Buncombe County. Hooray!

That’s big news for a small town with more breweries per capita than any city in the U.S. Details to come on when it will open, what beers will come from the Thirsty Monk brewery, etc. Meantime, drink a toast!


JC December 10, 2010 - 2:33 pm

Hiring an award winning local brewer to make make and sell beer in a community that supports local beer! What are they thinking!!!!

beaverlake December 9, 2010 - 10:21 pm

Blah – why the hate towards Ash? Portland may laugh – but we really do support or local brewers and other local ventures here in Asheville. Would u rather us support InBev, proud make of that fine beer"cough" called Bud?

the local beer's price points may be creeping up a bit, but at least you are not paying for transportation of the product nor taking away from other municipalities . And u know the water they are using comes from our fine water system. (see coke and Atlanta during the drought, coke bent the locals in Atlanta over backwards during the drought). We don't want some big producer taking water away from our local folks. What's brewed, here stays here for the most part.

Julie Avl December 9, 2010 - 6:21 pm

Norm Penn is a great homebrewer and has won awards on a national level so I'm really looking forward to this. Sure to be worth traveling south of downtown, for sure.

craggybender December 9, 2010 - 6:19 pm

hey blah, your post is blah and i assume you lead a blah life. if you don't like the ash man – get off the blog – you can start your own blahg.

blah December 9, 2010 - 1:31 pm

WOW!!! All it takes is a brew pot and someone to try and sell it, and your considered a brewery! Yah!!!!!!!! This is why Portland laughs at "Beer City" and why you suck so hard ASH!!!

TJ December 9, 2010 - 12:51 am

South Avl? Seems like a odd location for a brewery … but I guess the stuffy peeps need at least one brewery down there.

Asheville Dweller December 8, 2010 - 11:37 pm

Beer City by two lame internet polls, Asheville takes it as official. Its like the moniker "Worlds best coffee" its lame and cheapens what the city as a whole. Oh boy a town full of microbrews how original . . . . .

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