Blue Ridge Parkway specialty tags coming to a motorcycle near you


The Winston-Salem Journal has the story:

It has taken more than a year of recruiting to get this far, but organizers need just one more motorcycle rider to sign up for specialty Blue Ridge Parkway tags so the tags can go into production.

Bob Henard loves the days he hops aboard his 1990 Honda Gold Wing in Raleigh and heads west, logging about 500 miles to find good mountain music and cruise the Blue Ridge Parkway.
“The thing’s priceless,” he said of the parkway. “I hope we can preserve it. We’ve been given a heck of a gift.”

That’s why he’s been promoting the Blue Ridge Parkway motorcycle tag that the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles hopes to make available in cooperation with the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation.
But he also joked about the small ulterior motive he has.

“I want my motorcycle tag,” Henard said. “I’ve wanted it for a long time.”

More than 27,000 Blue Ridge Parkway tags have been put on cars, trucks and SUVs since the program started four years ago. It’s the most successful specialty-tag program in the state’s history and has raised about $500,000 to help the Blue Ridge Parkway, said Houck Medford, the director of the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation.


Meat Popsicle December 22, 2008 - 9:53 pm

Great, maybe it will pay to have a law passed creating a noise ordinance on the parkway. Can’t stand those loud mufflers on those motor cycles. I bet if it was looked into we would discover that it bothers the breading of some endangered animals along the parkway. That’s a thought and I will pass it on.

Frank Merenda December 22, 2008 - 4:37 pm

Hooray! I’m getting one for our bike!

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