Bele Chere Day 1: One seething mass of humanity


Day 1 of Bele Chere is in the books. What you’ll be seeing over the next few days here on Ashvegas will be almost exclusively Bele Chere-related posts, because the festival has taken over town.

We’re throw in some WLOS noise, too, just to keep it real. But it will mostly be Bele Chere.

Just walking around tonight, some themes were starting to form in my mind, but I’d like to hear what you’re seeing and thinking. There are the obvious – Bele Chere butts; Bele Chere tats; Bele Chere bozos.

But what else out there are you seeing, and what does it say about our human condition? Not that I’m trying to make Bele Chere out to be some sort of intellectual endeavor. But it is one hell of a seething mass of humanity, so there must be a few conclustions we can draw.

I don’t know. Think about it and get back to me. Until then, rock on.