Beer, porn and sex toys in the news


Beer, sex toys and porn
No, it’s not the Ashvegas mansion we’re talking about. It’s a description of WLOSers lead story at 6.

WLOSers told us Tuesday that it’s not just our little girls we have to watch out for, but our little boys, too. A 30-year-old Macon County woman was arrested and charged with statutory rape, disseminating obsenity to minors and several other charges after a tipster got police to investigate. The woman had four boys, ages 10 to 13, over to her trailer, where she allegedly gave them beer, showed them sex toys probably similar to’s range of toys and pornographic material similar to what you’d find at teentuber. Visit to find the best teen XXX for examples, then offered to perform sex acts on them or asked them what sex acts they wanted.

Terry Foster interviewed a mother of one of the victims, who was actually renting to the woman. “It’s a bad thing,” she said.

Full service sex
Speaking of sex, WLOSers brought us another wild story out of Polk County. A young blonde woman apparently called WLOSers after she saw an earlier report about a guy who posed as a DSS worker in McDowell County and snapped nude pictures of a little 4-year-old girl.

In the Polk case, the woman said a dude knocked on her door and said he was from an escort service, hired by her husband or fiance to have sex with her. She said he offered her “the full service.” Now let’s pause here for a moment – what is “the full service”? Maybe it’s sort of like going to the mechanic, where he goes under the hood and does the lube job, checks hoses and plugs and rotates your tires, too. We’ll need to do some more research on to confirm.

Anyway, when she refused, the guy said look, his company would call back to make sure she was 100 percent satisfied. When she still refused, the dude said look, just pose naked for me so I can take some photos back to my boss to prove I was here. Still, the woman refused. Good for you, honey.

Douse my house
John “Punnyman” Le brought us a story about a guy in West Ashvegas who was arrested Monday night for using a garden hose to try and put out a fire in his house.

Actually, there’s more to the story. Firemen, and even a state trooper, asked the guy to get out of the way as they tried to attack the fire that started in the kitchen. But there was a problem with the street hydrant, which delayed firefighters. So Gary Dunlap grabbed his garden hose and hit the fire with that.

Firefighters, who said a propoane tank could have blown, said Dunlap was endangering himself. Dunlap said the state trooper finally threw him to the ground and cuffed him, then wrote him a ticket. “It’s a buncha junk,” Dunlap said of the ticket.

Taylor v. Shuler
WLOSers kept up their faux election reporting by doing a story Tuesday about dueling campaign appearances on the part of U.S. Rep. Charles Taylor and opponent Heath Shuler.

Shuler appeared in Hendersonville with former presidential (then vice presidential) candidate John Edwards. The two were so good looking that nobody cared what they said. Shuler said something about jobs and affordable health care – o, and he wants a $1,500 tax credit for new homeowners or something. Then the blonde duo toured a Habitat for Humanity house in a neighborhood of affordable houses.

WLOSers caught up with Taylor, who had visited Clay County, then stopped in Murphy and on the Cheerokee Indian reservation, where they said he handed out a technology grant to help preserve the Cherokee language.

Taylor said it’s funny that Shuler wants a tax credit because his party (the Democrats) always wants to raise taxes. It’s going to take a whole lot more than $1,500 to offset all the Democratic tax increases, Taylor said. Then Taylor, in full sarcasm mode, said it was also kinda funny that Shuler was visiting a neighborhood that Taylor helped build with federal funds. It would take Shuler from now until Election Day to visit every neighborhood Taylor’s boosted with money from Washington, he said, and he’s welcome to do so.

Lexington merchants
A group of merchants on funky Lexington Avenue have banded together to create a merchants association because they want to create and maintain a neighborhood feel.

The group wants more parking in the area, more green space and a “gateway” with signs, according to Julie Blunder, who told us the story. They want a masterplan for all this. They want a “vision,” Blunder said. It was unclear what was driving this, but in the past, WLOSers have reported that some folks on Lexington are worried that small business owners will be driven off of the eclectic street known for its art galleries and record shops and puppy-pulling hippies on the streets.

No study
In a shocking turn of events, Ashvegas City Council actually voted against having a study done on how to fix up the crumbling Civic Center. Council has spent tens of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars on useless Civic Center reports that they’ve done nothing with.

McDowell meth labs
Mack-dowell County ranks tops again in the state for meth labs busted this year. There have been 25 so far this year, according to WLOSers. Rutherford ranked fourth in the state with 15 meth labs.

In other news…
Gas prices dropped a few cents… Buncombe County schools are going for a district-wide certification. All 41 schools are accredited now, but the system-wide deal is something more… And people in Jackson County don’t want a rock quarry in the Tuckasegee community…


Ash August 28, 2006 - 3:22 pm

EM – you’re sooo right.

Edgy Mama August 23, 2006 - 3:40 pm

Since we’re talking about hawtness, how’d NC get so lucky as to have two of the hottest politicians in the world call this state home?

Chainsaw better start courting the women, cause you know we’ll all be voting for Heath bar!

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