Battlestar Galactica: The Plan


I thoroughly enjoyed Friday night’s Battlestar Galactica two-hour finale. I’ll miss Lee Adama’s pouffy hair. I’ll miss the poundy drums. I’ll miss the drunken Tigh, the bitter Chief, the damn-sexy Six. *Sigh.*
But the good news is that the fantasy world will live on. There’s the new Caprica show. And this fall, we’ll have Battlestar Galactica: The Plan. Sweet.
Bring on the poundy drums.


Dad March 23, 2009 - 2:51 pm

I enjoyed the final episode too. I also agree with the commenter that there seemed to be lots of endings. A very fine SciFi experience and I’ll miss not having a weekly visit to BSG.

I had heard about Caprica but not, The Plan….I hope they can measure up. The little tastes I’ve had of Caprica don’t feel right. We shall see.

Nachtwulf March 21, 2009 - 9:16 pm

The Finale was alright, but much to long for what actually happened. It seemed to have 8 or 9 endings, any one of which would have been a poignant stopping point for the show.

The one thing that I did enjoy was hearing the original theme to Battlestar Galactic playing at the end, as the decommisioned fleet dives into the sun.

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