Ashvegas Hot Sheet: The 10th anniversary of, more


Editor’s note: This is a repost of Feb. 26, 2015, content that had been lost.

More of what’s going around:

-Ashvegas is 10: That’s right, folks: Ashvegas is 10 years old this year, and I plan to celebrate the hell out of it with y’all. What started as an awkward little personal journal has evolved into the local news and entertainment site that it is today. I do what I do because I love Asheville and its peoples. Thank you for reading. Thank you for participating. Thank you for commenting and sharing and liking and passing along those hot tips and stopping me on the street to tell me what you think. Stay tuned for details and other plans. 2015 is going to be a great year! A big thank you to Joshua Marc Levy atAsheville Art Family for the execution of this special anniversary logo.

-Asheville Zombiewalk is 10: From the folks at Asheville Zombiewalk. Congrats!

The Asheville Zombiewalk turns 10 years old this October. The city is invited to come and help us celebrate. We want brains, but we’ll settle for a party. Save the date. Sunday October 11, 2015. Downtown Asheville. Thank you for helping us spread the infection, best wishes, The Resurrected Stepchildren of George Romero

-Prime real estate for sale: There’s a prime piece of real estate for sale in East/West Asheville. It’s a rectangular, level lot on Haywood Road near Beecham’s Curve; $575,000.

-Bon Appetit on Asheville: Lots of folks are noting that the new issue of Bon Appetit magazine has a nice big spread on Asheville food/restaurants. I can’t wait to see it. I met with Deputy Editor Scott DeSimon over a couple of drinks at Imperial Life when he was in town reporting the story. I wish I could take credit for pointing him in the right direction, but he totally had the scene scoped out and knew exactly what was happening on the local culinary scene.

-Wings for life: Chef Steven Goff at King James Public House is promising a 12-pack of Natty Bo and wings for life to anyone who gets a King James logo tattoo. Rock.

-Billions for beer: Can’t remember if I posted this earlier or note, but just in case: The founder of Sierra Nevada Brewing is a billionaire, according to Bloomberg News. Sierra Nevada is opening its new East Coast brewery just south of Asheville in Mills River.