-Benefit concert: A benefit concert for Food Connection will be held on Friday, March 13 at the Altamont Theatre. From the press release:
The line-up features 30 local musicians. For more information about Food Connection, go to www.foodconnection.com or email foodconnectionasheville@gmail.com. Food Connection is a partnership between Local Flavor AVL, Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, and Asheville Taxi aimed at ending food waste and local hunger. Food Connection collects surplus food from restaurants and caterers in Asheville, and delivers the food to those in need. All proceeds from ticket sales and raffle will go straight to Food Connection, which pays for the cab fare to deliver excess food from Asheville restaurants to the local non-profits. Doors will open at 5 pm and the show will start at 6 pm. There will be raffle items donated from local businesses. Tickets are $25 per person, with all proceeds benefiting Food Connection. Beer, wine, and food will be available for purchase from Cecilia’s Kitchen Food Truck and Poppy Handcrafted Popcorn.
-Models wanted: Here’s the note from Nancy Hayes, director of retail for Desirant, a new store coming to Asheville:
I’m the Retail Director of a new brick-and-mortar lifestyle store soon to open in downtown called Desirant. There will also be a companion e-commerce site and for that we are looking for female models, 18 to 25 or who look that, in the 5’7″ range, to model upscale boho fashions. Pay rate, if hired, is $100/day. If interested, pls send full length photo and head shot with measurements (can be taken with phone) contact info and availability to: nhayesatdesirantasheville. I’ll be calling people to come in next Wed and Thursday.
-Scan your plans: Here’s the press release:
The Preservation Society of Asheville and Buncombe County and the Buncombe County Public Library are teaming up to offer local residents a free opportunity to turn old architectural drawings into digital images. Any local resident with blueprints of a Western North Carolina home or building at least 50 years old can take advantage of the “Scan the Plan” project. “Scan the Plan” will take place on three days during the first half of 2015: * March 14th, Saturday, 12:00 – 4:30pm * April 14th, Tuesday, 5:00 – 8:00pm * May 2nd, Saturday, 11:00 – 4:00 On these days, anyone with eligible blueprints can come to the North Carolina Room at Pack Memorial Library and get plans digitized. The service only takes a few minutes, and participants will be able to walk away with a CD or thumb drive digitized copy, along with their original blueprint. A copy of the blueprint scan will be added to the Library’s Architectural Collection and made accessible for future study. Participants may also drop off blueprints prior to the scheduled dates and pick up completed scans later that week. For multiple blueprints (5 or more), a pre-scheduled scanning session for later pickup is recommended. The North Carolina Room is on the lower floor of Pack Memorial Library at 67 Haywood Street in Asheville and can be reached at 828-250-4740.
-April at Asheville Community Theatre: A quick run-down of events:
• A Streetcar Named Desire runs April 17-May 3, 2015 • Youth Production Class presents Seussical Jr. April 3-5, 2015 • Auditions for The Great American Trailer Park Musical April 6-7, 2015 • Auditions for Humble Boy April 7, 2015 • Saturdays at ACT presents Happily Ever After April 18, 2015 • The Autumn Players’ Readers Theatre Showcase Series Presents Humble Boy April 24-26, 2015 • Storytelling series Listen to This on April 30, 2015 • Summer Camp Registration is Open
-Advertising awards: Press release here announcing winners of local American Advertising Awards:
Presented by the American Advertising Federation of Asheville, the American Advertising Awards recognize the best creative efforts of western North Carolina’s marketing industry. Winners of the awards qualify to enter the three-state district American Advertising competition and may go on to win at the national level before the end of the year. Known for its creative talent, AAF Asheville boasted winners in diverse media including print, web and broadcast. Held on February 24 at The Millroom at Asheville Brewing Company, the ceremony brought together rivals in a competitive industry to pat each other on the back for a job well done. G&T Communications of Boone and Asheville won the ‘Best of Show’ award for its 30-second TV spot entitled “Use Your Energy Wisely” for its client NOVEC, a Virginia-based utility company. Other Gold Award winners included Open Door Design Studio Co., SCALE, Brain Hooks and Market Connections. Silver Award winners included Connie Aridas Creative, Market Connections, Amplified Media, Brain Hooks and Bonesteel Films. AAF Asheville serves individuals in marketing, advertising and related industries throughout western North Carolina, providing networking, recognition and professional development opportunities to help members excel in a rapidly evolving media landscape. Please visit www.aafasheville.org for more information and a video presentation of the winning entries.
-Emily Patrick, who has been an assistant editor at WNC Magazine, is making a move the Asheville Citizen-Times. She’ll be the newspaper’s arts reporter, taking the spot vacated by Carol Motsinger, who is now working for the Cincinnati Enquirer.