Ashvegas: a pet-lover’s town


Animals are banned from Bele Chere, but the Purina dog show area at the corner of Patton and Lexington was a big hit Saturday. I caught the end of the show, when Jetta the Belgian Malinois came charging out of the tent to catch some Frisbees.

The trainer said Jetta had been dropped at an animal shelter because its owner said the animal had too much energy and was untrainable. “Too much energy, yes,” the trainer said, but far from untrainable.

Jetta put on a sparkling show of hopping, leaping and obeying the trainer’s every command. It’s amazing the bond a trainer can cement with a dog.

As the crowd piled up, Purina workers loaded up baskets full of animal treats and food and passed them out to the onlookers. Some good marketing, that.