Asheville’s New Life Journal discontinues publication, distribution


The publisher of the New Life Journal, a monthly Asheville publication that focuses on green living and natural healing, is sending out e-mails notifying advertisers that it is closing up shop due to the economy.

Publisher Kim Riggins is sending out this note you see below. The New Life Journal web site also does not appear to be working. I checked the stands, and there’s a September issue out now. I guess that’s the last one. Anyone have anything further?

Dear NLJ Community Member,

It is with great sadness and difficulty that I write this e-mail to inform
you that due to current economic circumstances I must discontinue the
publication and distribution of New Life Journal. The downturn of the
economy over the past year has taken its toll and I see no way to continue
business as usual.

Please accept my sincere wish that you are able to succeed and weather the

Kind regards,

Kim Riggins

Publisher, New Life Journal 

phone:  828-251-9289


fax:  828-232-1881


Lucia September 24, 2009 - 9:43 pm

New Life Journal has been around for over 10 years, and had quite a large distribution both in WNC and in neighboring states. And it’s normal to pay for the advertising before the issue comes up, as you have to send the image file, the issue has to be laid out, created, and printed, and there are also usually significant discounts for multiple months. Duh. Why are you people so harsh? Especially when you didn’t even know that NLJ was a legitimate publication for a decade and how advertising works. I was simply hoping that I could connect with someone who may be having the same issue, or would know more about the situation.

For those who might care or be affected by this, I spoke with Kim Riggins today, and New Life Journal is definitively finished, and refunds will not be happening as she will be most likely declaring bankruptcy. My business will manage, but we are hurt by this loss. I think it was really a combination of poor business management and decisions on NLJ’s part, and a bit of the recession, but blaming the recession for everything is getting a bit old.

Biff Smeed September 24, 2009 - 8:48 pm

I would be surprised if "Going Green" has anything to do with refunding prepaid advertising. They may be green, but not that green. And why would anyone "prepay" advertising in a publication with no track record or credentials other than being the same color as Kermit the Frog?

Asheville Dweller September 24, 2009 - 8:30 pm

Another worthless rag bites the dust. Guess preaching to the choir doesn’t pay the bills

Lucia September 24, 2009 - 6:47 pm

My small business prepaid two months’ worth of advertising with NLJ, our ad slated to run in October and November. The only communication we’ve received at this point is what you see on this post. Are there any other advertisers with NLJ out there that have heard anything more about possible refunds, or at least an explanation? All emails and phone messages have gone unanswered thus far.

nathanjordan September 24, 2009 - 4:01 pm

The September issue is the last issue, you’re correct.

Newsie September 24, 2009 - 2:37 pm

Sorry to hear that. I really liked that pub and the new look was quite nice. Just wondering: Is this one of the newsmags printed by the IWANNA folks?

JY September 24, 2009 - 1:35 pm

Last Twitter update for NLJ ( was Sept. 15. Had 370 followers at last count.

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