Asheville tech nerd on Jeopardy!


UPDATED: Here’s the report from Carol Motsigner the blog on how Emison did.


Local tech nerd Joe Emison, the current CTO of BuildFax and a former programmer at BUILDERadius, appears on Jeopardy! tonight at 7:30 p.m. on WLOS channel 13.

Joe Emison with Alex Trebeck.

The program was previously recorded, but since this is its first airing, we won’t know who took home the winnings until tonight.

Heather Vance, another Ashevillean, appeared on Jeopardy! a few years back. Vance played well, finished Double Jeopardy in the lead–and lost, in one of the lamer Final Jeopardy questions I’ve seen.

I watched Jeopardy! last night, and the woman who won is a complete trivia badass.

Good luck, Joe.

You’re going to need it.