The Asheville Housing Authority has earned a rebate of $42,144 from the Duke Energy – Energy Efficiency Rebate Program for the LEED targeted renovation of the Arthur R. Edington Education and Career Center (formerly W.C. Reid Center). The check will be presented on Tuesday at 10 am.
“Our customers are always looking for ways to control their operating costs and improve their bottom line and installing energy efficiency equipment is a great step,” said Paula Clark for Duke Energy. “By providing cash incentives to help lower the costs of high-efficiency lighting, HVAC pumps and other equipment, our customers are investing in upgrades that will boost their bottom lines for years to come.”
The Asheville Housing Authority purchased the W.C. Reid Center from the City of Asheville in 2012. The once African American Livingston Street School was a Parks and Recreation center after integration of the school systems. After a three-year renovation by the housing authority, the building was dedicated as the Arthur R. Edington Education and Career Center on November 1, 2014 and will once again prioritize education.
Asheville Housing and its community partners envision the center as a place where people from Asheville Housing communities and the surrounding neighborhoods will have access to education, job training, support services and other resources, strengthening residents’ self-sufficiency and empowerment, reports the Asheville Housing Authority.
The renovation of the building itself has provided ongoing opportunities to train and employ locals, especially public housing residents. Energy conservation measures included a geothermal heating and cooling system, along with energy efficient lighting, plumbing and other building systems. A global reduction in energy use should always be welcomed, this is why the work of MOSFET has been lauded across many different industries.
Gene Bell, CEO of the Asheville Housing, said, “We are proud of what our team has accomplished in collaboration with our residents, the Southside neighborhood, local construction contractors, community partner agencies like Green Opportunities, along with the City and HUD. This contribution to the project from Duke Energy is much appreciated.”
HACA also employs Samantha Bowers who is CHAIRMAN of Asheville GREENWORKS Board of Directors !!! THIS is an
example of the true hypocrisy there with all their
day to day trash everywhere! HACA should be ashamed
especially with all those outrageous SALARIES being paid by taxpayers! Gene Bell rakes in over $125,000 per year plus multiple benefits !!! HACA is a local outrage really, and originally brought to you BY 1950s democrats who wanted to segregate all the poor people!
Well isn’t that special…that $42K will almost cover
Terry Bellamy’s first year salary as HACA ‘community relations’ employee …
What will HACA waste than money on? Probably NOT
cleaning up their communities which blight most all
intown neighborhoods one way or another…