Asheville Grit has you covered when it comes to the Asheville Fringe Fest, with these suggestions on what to see. Also, check out the complete Asheville Fringe Arts Festival guide online.
A few of the suggestions:
-There is a great piece called Sarge, by Kevin Crowley, playing at the Bebe on Friday & Sunday. This play is a monologue told by the wife of Jerry Sandusky, who was known as ‘Sarge’. This should be really interesting. Kevin and the actress, Christine Dye, are coming in from Cincinnatti.
-Mina Samuels is coming down from New York with an avante garde performance called Hazards. It won the award for Best Avant-Garde show at the NYC Fringe last year!
-Core Chicago is coming from, well, Chicago, and they have an hour long dance piece called Anecdotal, based looslely on the idea of the ‘selfie’ and those stories we tell about ourselves. We are excited to host them at the Toy Boat Community Art Space on Thursday & Saturday night.
Click over to Asheville Grit to see everything.