A smattering of news


Lotto fever
2-3-9-48-50 and 23.
Dammit. Missed again. Oh well. Try again Wednesday.

That was our reaction to the Saturday night infotainment show from WLOSers, who led with Powerball fever. With a jackpot at more than $200 million, Holly Headache hit the streets to see if more people were scooping up tickets.

One convenience store guy in Ashvegas said yes, sales had been brisk. But across the border in South Kackalacky, Holly said business is down because all the folks who used to drive south can play right at home in the Tar Heel state. Holly said some customers say they’re actually saving money by playing the lottery at home.

Taylor digs
U.S. Rep. Charles Taylor stopped by Ashvegas Saturday to participate in a groundbreaking ceremony for a big new church project in Montford – the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. This is an election year, so WLOSers asked Taylor a tough question: “What are you working on in Washington?” Taylor said: health care, education and job creation.

Shuler dances
Meantime, Heath Shuler, Taylor’s Democratic challenger in this year’s election, held a big fund-raiser at Blue Ridge Motion Pictures studios with the help of former Gov. Jim Hunt. WLOSers had some video showing Hunt whispering sweet nothings in Shuler’s ear. Then, because this is political season, WLOSers asked Shuler what’s on his mind. Heath said gas prices are really, really high, and health care and jobs are important, too.

Hey, that was Screwy Hoolie in some of the WLOS video!

In other news…
A truck cut in front of a scooter on Patton Avenue. The scooter rider crashed his ride, but wasn’t seriously injured, but the cops are investigating the incident as a hit-and-run.

1 Comment

AsheVegas Fan August 7, 2006 - 5:54 am

Loved the Bele Chere photos!
Your Ashvegas introspect is right on, as always.

Which is why I was shocked and dismayed when I saw Ashvegas report that respected and beloved former Gov. Jim Hunt has teamed up with Screwie Hoolie!


Gawd help WNC!

After running across screwie hoolie’s blog/venonous web-rage-site tonight — I was sincerely apalled that a "child and family counsellor"– can keep a medical liscense in NC while posting such vulgarity on the internet.

Would you really want to take your family, or even your pet on prozac, to this man for counseling?

If you are a normal person, you will gag at the nastiness he spews.

Heaven help all of here in Ashvegas.

Especially those in the venom trade.

After reading all the "Go Heath!", "Death to Taylor" postings on Gordon Smith’s borderline pornographic blog — all I can say is ——-:
"Screwie: PeeeUhwheeee."

Even we Ashvegasans have our limits!

I am wondering if Smith’s patients know how screwy he really is.

Very scary.

No wonder Ashvegas just keeps getting more and more distracted from the important things in life.

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