2012 Bele Chere bits: Getting around; and getting wet w/ StephaniesId


We’re keeping an eye out for helpful Bele Chere 2012 tidbits. Here are a couple:

From the city of Asheville on getting around Bele Chere:

Buses: The ART will be operating throughout the three days of the festival, dropping off all routes at the ART station, only one block form the Bele Chere boundary. You can even plan your trip ahead of time and keep up with transit detours during the festival at ridetheart.com.

Shuttles: The Bele Chere shuttles have become a crowd favorite, allowing festivalgoers to park at satellite stations and let someone else do the downtown driving. In 2011, the shuttles transported a grand total of 12,786 passengers to the festival. Two park and ride stations will be operating – an East shuttle at the Asheville Mall parking lot in front of Sears, and a West Shuttle at the K-Mart parking area on Patton Avenue. Like the ART buses, round trip fare is $2.

Bicycle: While bikes aren’t allowed inside the festival, they are a great way to get to the party. And leaving them in a safe place is no problem since Asheville on Bikes, Blue Ridge Bicycle Club and other organizations in the bicycle community host a great Bike Corral on Patton Avenue between Asheland and Coxe Avenues.

And from Asheville band StephaniesId on Facebook, by way of the Mountain Xpress:

It’s been 3 years since our last appearance at Bele Chere. We’re happy to be back in the fray. I’m really ready to connect with you, Asheville (and asundry tourists)…

Beat the heat on Sunday afternoon, July 29 (2:45pm) at the Stephaniesid WATER SHOW!

In Piscean fashion, we’ll be calling on the crisp chill of water to complement the music and dancing. We’re not planning to totally drench you, but let’s just say you’ll have more fun if you wear water-appropriate clothing.

We’ve gathered a splendid team of people to help us pull this off. The music sounds fabulous (you should hear our group-singing now!), and we have a BUNCH of new shirts, hoodies, jackets, bags, and baby/toddler duds… with logo designed by Xandy Chelmis.

Let’s do this.

Love and kisses,