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Wooooooohoooo Thank You Ashevegas!!!
Who won?
Cari, I’ve notified a winner and am waiting to hear back and get confirmation, then I’ll announce it.
Go go go
Hell yeah lemme in!
I wanna win!!!1
I wanna win!!!
Pretty please!
I’d love to be able to go.
Poor college student. Enough said.
I would lavett if I won the tickets.
See what I did there?
Love these guys!
Would love nothing more than to see my favorite band in a great city on a great holiday. Would be my third time seeing them this year. They get better every time.
Pick me pick me!
It’s my husbands birthday on the 30th, Halloween is our favorite day of the year, we absolutely LOVE The Avett Brothers. We are also thinking about moving to Asheville in the near future. We would be proud, honored, and beyond excited to spend the night in the presence of such an amazing band. Thank you!
I would LOVE to come see you!! I have missed you both times that you have been in or near Columbus, OH because of my daughter’s graduation and my son’s travel baseball. I would get so much joy to hear you sing Laundry Room live. I love ALL of your music, but Laundry Room and I and Love and You are my absolute favorites. I watch you sing Laundry Room from Bonnaroo live almost daily. It’s how I start my day 🙂 I close my eyes and your music transcends me to a great place in my soul. Your music moves me and makes me happy. I love you guys!!!
I want to win tickets! If I’ve already entered once, I apologize. I can’t remember!
Yes please!! For a bachelorette weekend!
Please enter me in the contest for the avett brothers. I, too, have a brother. Thank you.
What better way to spend Halloween than with the Avett Brothers
Wow, can’t think of a better way to celebrate 1 year of making Asheville our home!
Asheville + Avett Brothers = <3
Broke college kids love concerts, and especially Avett Bros. !!!
I live far away but would love to come see beautiful Asheville and my favorite band The Avett Brorhers!
This would make my girlfriend sooo happy! She’s a HUGE fan!
Would love to spend Halloween with the brothers !
Love The Avett Brothers and would love to see them on Holloween in Asheville
Would love to win tickets for my brother, He absolutely loves these guys, and his birthday is on Halloween.
This would be an awesome show to get to see in a great city that I used to live close to, and it would be the most wonderful gift ever and a great way to spend my Halloween birthday in the Smoky Mountains and seeing the best show on earth!!!
I would love to see the Avett Brothers live. Got into these guys a bit later and was never able to see them when they were in North Carolina. This would absolutely make my year if I could get these tickets!!
My wife and I are moving to Asheville and she has been looking forward to outdoor concerts and patio beers, so here’s hoping.
Can’t think of a better way to spend Halloween. Fingers crossed!
yes, please! we’ll be dancing with happiness!
These free tix paired with a nice beer would go down a cheer…. Yes please.
Sounds like a dream! All my favorite things!
What a parent will do for their children . . . even when their children become adults. My daughters love y’all and your parents’ wonderful family values!
I would love to see them! They’re one of my favorite bands
I just retired from teaching! What a great retirement gift this would be!!! To see my favorite and most talented band again, would be amazing! Pick me! Pick me!
I would love to see them!
I would love to see The Avett Brothers in my hometown! I’ve been dying to see them for years!
I would love love to get tickets for this! These guys have been some major inspiration for me in life and love. They are like Philosophy 101! 🙂
Love the Avett Brothers and love asheville! This would be an awesome show!!!
Nice, Ashvegas! There was a dream…
I am 71yrs old and probably your oldest fan. I love Jesus and THE AVETT BROTHERS. I have never seen you live but that’s on my bucket list!! Since social security don’t go far enough, I have to have some help. Wouldn’t it be awesome to really get to see you. O my ….that would make my year. THANKS so MUCH for reading my post and God bless.
I would love to win tickets!!
Ah I would love this! Pick me!!
‘If it’s the mountains bending rivers then you will have them’
I wish I had the funds to buy tickets. Winning tickets would be awesome!
I would love, Love, LOVE to get these tickets! My wife and I didn’t get to take a honeymoon (I’m a teacher and the bad winter really killed summer break). This could be a mini-moon for us in one of our favorite places with her favorite band!
Please oh please!
These guys have changed my life…for the better of course, and I can’t wait to see them again….Say LOVE!!!!!!
Please please please!!!! This would be an amazing gift for a very special person!!!
My wife said if I don’t win these tickets “we’re through.”
My birthday is November 1. Big fan. Would be the best birthday present ever. Pick me Pick me!!
Please help me realize my dream to see the Avetts while sweating my balls off dressed as Santa Claus
I really would love to win this. Say love!
Oh, my gods. I need this in my life.
My BFF is one of your biggest fans. She is part of the Avett Nation. Would love to win these tickets for her. 🙂
“Say Love” xxx
Thank you for the opportunity to win a ticket to see a truly awesome band!
Yes please!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this band and would love a chance to see them in the area where I grew up.
I think I’m gonna win!!!!
<3 thank you
I’d love to see you guys again!!
I have always wanted to see The Avett Brothers live – maybe this time!
Count me in, why not!
Cause even though I know there’s hope in
Every Morning Song
Yes please.
I’m in–fingers crossed.
A Halloween show would be awesome!
I am relocating to Asheville in September and this would be a lovely welcoming present!! <3
May the odds be ever in my favor.
I’ve never seen the Avett Bros…but I love their music!
Ah I love them!
No one puts on a better live show! Yes please!
I would love to win these tickets!
VIP all the way baby!
I’d be nothing short of thankful to win these tickets!
Perfect present for my son Chris Cole who is THE biggest Avett fan on the planet — drives all over the country to see their concerts!!
Saw them a few years ago and would love to see them again!
Would love to see the Avett Brothers – and love Ashevlle!
This would be my first Avett Bros show. Fingers crossed!
Ummmm YESSSS!!
Glad to see TAB is coming back to the mountains of NC. Perfect time of year too in beautiful Asheville. Would love to win tickets!
Would love to see, want to hear, need to dance at an Avett Brothers Concert once again… so glad their coming to my favorite city-town in NC! It would give me such a good reason to come home for a day… fingers crossed!
Ill with want, I want to win! Thanks!
Rock on avett bros
Would love to go!!
Be loud let your colors show!!! Avett Nation!!!
Would give anything to see The Avett Brothers in their home state of NC!!!
What a great 3 night run at Red Rocks. I can’t wait until NYE to see you guys again. Asheville is close to my heart for many reasons. I would love to be there. Say love.
Would LOVE to win tickets. They are my favorite musicians. Their music has brought the gleam back to my broken soul.
I am a huge fan of the boys and have seen them several times. I’m an active member of Avett Nation, an Avett brothers fan page, and would love to win tickets and gift then to a North Carolina friend, Brandy, that I met through the group. She is extremely hard working and well deserving and it would make me happy to see her happy.
I would LOVE to win these tixs! My birthday is on Halloween, I LOVE Asheville, and I love the Avett Brothers. We are going anyway, but oh how fun it would be to say I “won my way on my birthday”. See yall soon! Say love!
The best band out there. Would love this.
Would be my first time seeing the boys! this would be an opportunity of a lifetime! Woooohooooo for Asheville!
I need to be at this show!!
Would love to win this!! Seeing them on Halloween would be awesome!!
Yes, please
I’ve heard these guys are pretty good live. I’d love to go.
Yes please!!!
This would be SWEET!
This is wonderful!
Any evening with the Avett Brothers is awesome, seeing them in Ashvegas makes it a night to remember!
This would make my year!
Oh I would love love love this!
I want! I want! Gimme gimme gimme!
They’re my favorite band, would love to see them in Asheville!!
I haven’t seen them since Merlefest last year, which is the only time I’ve seen them. They are my favorite band and would do anything to go!!
I would cry!!
Love the boys! Would love to see them in their home state!
I’ve got those Blue Ridge Mountain blues. The Avett Brothers can sweep those away.
Would love this treat 🙂
This would be most a awesome treat !
I would love me some tickets!!!
Saw them on NYE! and at the Merle Fest!
Couldn’t make it to Red Rocks, I really need to see them in Asheville!
This would be an absolute dream come true!!
My 11 year old daughter and her friend, she met through the love of The Avett Brothers, wants to be there so bad. When I told her about the concert she said she and Bella were going to dress up as Scott and Seth.
Favorite band in my favorite town..would be sweet.
I’m coming all the way from Pittsburgh! Some free tix would be really rad!!
I’d love to drool all over the Cellular Center’s floor as I watch the Avetts.
What an amazing giveaway!!!
I would love to see them again!!!!
The avert brothers have slowly creeped out of my concert price range, dying to see them 🙂
I would LOVE to win!!
I would love to go! Totally worth the drive.
Saw these guys in Nashville a couple of years ago practicing for an awards show. They are the most awesome guys, they stopped and talked with us and joked around and just really great guys. Would love to see them again.
Avetts in Asheville would be amazing!
Gimme gimme please. Love butter bean.
My dad would love to see them again!!!
I would love to win tickets! This is my favorite band playing in one of my favorite cities!
I would love to see the Avett Brothers on Halloween!!!!
This would be the best way to spend any holiday.
crossing my fingers
Saw these guys for the first time over 10 years ago at rock the block in Winston salem and have been following them ever since! Would love to see them for their homecoming!
I want the tickets!
pick me!
Pick me please!! I never get to go to shows anymore!!
I would love, LOVE this!
That is my birthday weekend…would love to be there!
The Avett Brothers and Asheville are two of my all time favorite things in life! I would love nothing more than to see them there!
Would love it! Favorite band in favorite city!
seeing them in asheville?! double win! yes please!
not only would i love see the avett brothers, i would get to travel to lovely asheville as well. win/win!
hand raised up high! pick me!
I wanna win!!!
Yes please! How amazing this would be!
Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂
What a great thing this would be!
yes please.
Free tix to TAB on Halloween?
Yes please!
“It’s the skin and bones that keeps me on the road”
What better way to spend halloween then with the brothers!! Yes!!
OHHHH!!!! i need these!
I’ve been wanting to go to one of their Halloween shows for years. Would love to get a chance!
Yes, please!!!
Yes please!
I can’t wait to hear from you!
This would be an amazing birthday gift for my husband!
Yes please!!
Avetts on Halloween!?!? would LOVE to go!
Heck yeah!
I want to win Avett tickets!!
This is my favorite band — would love to see them in Asheville!
Love The Avett Brothers! Thank you for offering this giveaway.
Love the Avett Brothers! Thanks for the giveaway!
This would be awesome!!!
Can’t wait to see them! Free tickets would be icing on the cake!
Would love to see them!
TAB on Halloween=awesome!!!
I would be so lucky to win tickets!!! Love, love, love The Avett Brothers!!!
Would LOVE to win these!! Have been saying we need to make a trip out there, this would be the perfect opportunity!!
LET”S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!11!!!11!!!111!1!!!!!
I’d love the chance to see the Halloween show!
Me, please!!!
yes please!
We came for salvation
We came for family
We came for all that’s good that’s how we’ll walk away
We came to break the bad
We came to cheer the sad
We came to leave behind the world a better way
Favorite band on one of my favorite holidays…couldn’t get any better!
May you never be embarrassed to sing.
Love Asheville, love the Avetts, love Halloween. Sounds like a hell of a time!
I would LOVE to see the Avett Brothers!
Winner winner chicken dinner
Please please please
I would love to see these guys play live.
Thanks for this contest! Would love to win tickets to see The Avett Brothers!
Would love it!
Aaaaaaaah!!! I would LOVE to win these!!
Would LOVE to see The Avett Brothers in Asheville!!!
Yes, please!!
I’d love to win these! Just got engaged yesterday and it would be a great gift to my new fiancé!
This should be awesome! Have yet to see them live,
I would love to see them here in Asheville!
1 in 100 chance….
Would love to win!
I love them! Pick me!
Pick me!
Salina, I’m as nowhere as I can be
Could you add some somewhere to
Ahh Kansas, I’m kneeling, Ah Kansas, please
Cleveland I ain’t never felt nothing so strong
Been believin’ the words to my song
Ohio I’m leaving, Ohio I’m Gone
From town to town and State to State,
There’s people everywhere that try to capture us.
We Stole the cash and left our names
And almost slipped in Indianapolis.
The Rain it fell, The Story went on
The Rain it fell, and we got gone.
Poughkeepsie hang up the telephone
I won’t answer your phone calls no more
New York, quit calling, New York let me be
I’m changing the plans I’ve been setting on
I’m scared by the way that my life’s getting gone
Carolina, one day I’ll, Someday I’ll come home.
Home, home
Would be thrilled to win tickets to see these NC boys!
I’d love to win these tickets!
Free tickets are great
YES!!! I would love to win! Thank you very much.
Yeah man, We want in
Would love to win tickets!
I’ve wanted to see them every time they’ve been near my home town, yet they are always sold out! This would be an awesome trip, since me and my wife celebrate our honeymoon in Asheville every year!!!
would love to go…never seen them live!
Pretty please!!! Thanks, Jason!
I want to win!
If love tickets! Yes please!
This is going to be awesome!
Offering was our first dance song at our wedding! We love yall!
Pick me!
Another is Waiting…to win tickets to see the ultimate Halloween battle: Paul Newman vs. The Demons!
I would like them please!!
Would love to win these! Love TAB!
Hey there! I’d love to win!
I need a miracle.
Hey, I’d like to win. Thanks, Jason.
Woohoo! We keep it simple!
Fingers crossed!!
Count me in!
A dream come true. Littlest Mini and I have promised ourselves to see them together, to celebrate the end of the Great Detonation.
My wife and I are huge fans and would love to go!
It would be the best Halloween ever!
I want them! Pa-lease!
Yes please!
Avett Bros!! Count me in
Thanks for the opportunity.
Over here over here. I would love them.
Love the Brothers!
Oh this would be fun!
Yes, I’d love to!
Yes Please…
I would LOVE to win!! I love Ashvegas.com!!
I’m in on the Avett Bro ticket raffle…pick me, pick me…
I would be thrilled! My fingers are crossed!
ohh yes please! 🙂 Cant wait!
My favorite place for news – and now maybe my best shot at Avett Brothers tickets!
Please please
Yay, Avetts! Yay Halloween! Yay free tickets!
Down with the shine!
Please enter my name in the drawing. Please select my name for the drawing.
Would love to go to one of these shows!
Woohoo! So excited to see them again!
Yes please! Thank you !!
Yes, please.
Thanks for the opp!
Would love to win these! Thanks!
Awesome! Thanks so much for this opportunity!
i and love and free.
So much fun!
I named my son Avett! My wife and I would love free tickets… thanks!
I want tickets!
i never win. let’s see if that pattern continues.
Yes!! This will be awesome!
what are the chances
I was taught to keep an open-ended life
Can’t wait to go
Soooo excited about the Asheville shows! It will be the first time my 9year old will see them live, would love win & take her!
Would love *to* win
Do I have to bring my wife?
Would love to win!!!
This would be a spooky good time.
I promise to dress as my favorite Avett if I win.
Tickets please!
I will happily accept your call that I’ve won these tickets. Thanks, Jason!
Can’t wait!
Please throw my name in the drawing!
What a blast the live show is from these guys….
eye and love and you
Yes, Please!
ooh, ooh! me! pick me.
Last night I dreamt the whole night long, I woke with a head full of songs!! Please please please! They are my favorites.
If it’s the tickets, you will have them. And I really do so please pick me!
Lemme get them.
I’m down with the shine! Please! :–)
Gimme Gimme Gimme…I need, I need.
This is…A Carolina Jubilee.
Woot Woot!!
Love the Avett Brothers!!
I am so excited to see my boys in Asheville!
I’ll eat the hottest chicken at Rocky’s for 2 free tickets
Hoping to win these tickets!
NC proud, like these boys a lot, would enjoy this immensely with my co pilot.
I wanna go real bad, Jason. Pick me — ooh! Ooh! Pick me!!!!!
Avett Brothers Tickets
Pick me!
Yes please!
I’d love some free tixxxxxxxxxxx!!!!
would love these tickets
Can think of nowhere else I’d rather be… 🙂
Tickets please
Hook. A . Brother. Up.
I cannot win these, which makes me sad.
Me please!
“I am sick with wanting and it’s evil and it’s daunting”