Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.
One of the biggest beer release parties every year in Asheville revolves around Highland Brewing’s Cold Mountain Winter Ale. This year is no exception, with the brewery celebrating the 20th anniversary of its most coveted seasonal. Each year, the beer sells out. And this year, in addition to the regular ale, look for the Imperial Cold Mountain. Read on to learn more from the press release:
Cold Mountain season is always festive, but this year is the brew’s 20th anniversary. In celebration of Asheville’s longest running seasonal, Highland will release the classic beer alongside a one-time special brew, Imperial Cold Mountain. Expect it to be a bit chocolate-forward, with hints of fruits and nuts, and a touch more warmth at 8 percent alcohol by volume. The imperial version will be released in 1-liter bottles, 22-ounce bottles and on draft. Bottles will be available only at the brewery and only for a limited time.

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In keeping with tradition, both versions will be available at Highland Brewing starting Thursday, November 10th, at 4pm. Lines begin hours before the doors open. Purchases are limited per person per day, with allotments set for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Each day’s allotment will run out so be sure to arrive early. Highland will have plenty of Cold Mountain on tap for the release weekend along with specialty casks and infusions, including the revered coconut infusion. The entire weekend’s programming in the Tasting Room will be dedicated to celebrating this year’s release with live music, food trucks and more. The beer is available beyond the brewery but can still be hard to find. It will begin to arrive in stores on Monday, Nov. 14, in many markets where Highland is sold.