Jason Sandford
Jason Sandford is a reporter, writer, blogger and photographer interested in all things Asheville.

Anna Jane Joyner, of Asheville environmental group WNC Alliance, with TV star Ian Sommerhalder in the summer of 2013./ Photo by Jason Sandford
Anna Jane Joyner, campaign coordinator for the WNC Alliance in Asheville, will be in the spotlight later this year as part o the eight-part Showtime documentary series Years of Living Dangerously. Excitement about the series is building. The New York Times mentioned it in a Sunday story about the popularity of programming hit TV shows on Sundays:
After several years of Showtime’s running its comedy-dramas “Nurse Jackie,” starring the “Sopranos” alumna Edie Falco, and “The Big C,” with Laura Linney, on Monday nights, the shows “took a little bit of a ratings hit,” Mr. Nevins said.
“Then we moved them to Sunday night,” he said, “and they did much better.”
So, this April, when Showtime introduces its climate change documentary series “Years of Living Dangerously,” whose high-profile producers include James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jerry Weintraub, the network will schedule it for Sunday nights. “It deserves the big platform,” Mr. Nevins said. “You’re not sending quite the same signal if you put it on Friday or Monday or Tuesday.”
About Years of Living Dangerously, from Showtime:
This groundbreaking documentary event series explores the human impact of climate change. From the damage wrought by Hurricane Sandy to the upheaval caused by drought in the Middle East, YEARS OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY combines the blockbuster storytelling styles of top Hollywood movie makers with the reporting expertise of 60 MINUTES journalists.
Joyner was also recently the subject of a front-page feature story in the Asheville Citizen-Times by reporter Karen Chavez. From the story:
The series, produced by James Cameron, Jerry Weintraub, Arnold Schwarzenegger, “60 Minutes” producers Joel Bach and David Gelber, and climate expert Daniel Abbasi, will feature celebrity correspondents, including Matt Damon, Don Cheadle, Harrison Ford and among others, Ian Somerhalder, the “Vampire Diaries” star who spoke at the Asheville Beyond Coal Rally in August.
The series explores the human impact of climate change and seeks solutions to global warming. Joyner is interviewed by Somerhalder in the documentary for her work on climate change and the effect brought on by the burning of fossil fuels.
Stay tuned…
In the episode with Pastor Joyner, it was the pastor who behaved more like Feynman’s ideal scientist and not the producers of this documentary.
Read my critique posted here http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/05/06/years-of-living-dangerously-pastor-rick-joyner-models-feynmans-ideal-scientist/
In another episode they basely exploited human tragedy from fires, and it was based on one study that runs contrary to most of what fire ecologists know. I have worked to promote wise environmental stewardship in the Sierra Nevada and nearly lost our university research station to a human set forest fire. To study the regions ecology we must be very aware of the true nature of forest fires and this documentary is misleading. I posted my essay on the deceptive presentation on WUWT